valid as on 11/03/2025

Section 87.Rectification by Central Government in register of charges.
Effective from 01-04-2014 and font in blue w.e.f., 02-11-2018

 The Central Government on being satisfied that—

(a) the omission to give intimation to the Registrar of the payment or satisfaction of a charge, within the time required under this Chapter; or

(b) the omission or misstatement of any particulars, in any filing previously made to the Registrar with respect to any charge or modification thereof or with respect to any memorandum of satisfaction or other entry made in pursuance of section 82 or section 83,

was accidental or due to inadvertence or some other sufficient cause or it is not of a nature to prejudice the position of creditors or shareholders of the company, it may, on the application of the company or any person interested and on such terms and conditions as it deems just and expedient, direct that the time for the giving of intimation of payment or satisfaction shall be extended or, as the case may require, that the omission or misstatement shall be rectified.

 The Central Government on being satisfied that —

(a) the omission to give intimation to the Registrar of the payment or satisfaction of a charge, within the time required under this Chapter; or

 the omission or misstatement of any particulars, in any filing previously made to the Registrar with respect to any such charge or modification thereof or with respect to any memorandum of satisfaction or other entry made in pursuance of section 82 or section 83,

(b) the omission or misstatement of any particulars with respect to any such charge or modification or with respect to any memorandum of satisfaction or other entry made in pursuance of section 82 or section 83,

was accidental or due to inadvertence or some other sufficient cause or it is not of a nature to prejudice the position of creditors or shareholders of the company, it may, on the application of the company or any person interested and on such terms and conditions as the Central Government deems just and expedient, direct that the time for the giving of intimation of payment or satisfaction shall be extended or, as the case may require, that the omission or misstatement shall be rectified.

(1) The   on being satisfied that—

(i) (a) the omission to file with the   the particulars of any   created by a  or any charge subject to which any property has been acquired by a company or any modification of such charge; or

(b) the omission to register any charge within the time required under this Chapter or the omission to give intimation to the Registrar of the payment or the satisfaction of a charge, within the time required under this Chapter; or

(c) the omission or mis-statement of any particular with respect to any such charge or modification or with respect to any memorandum of satisfaction or other entry made in pursuance of section 82 or section 83, was accidental or due to inadvertence or some other sufficient cause or it is not of a nature to prejudice the position of creditors or shareholders of the company; or

(ii) on any other grounds, it is just and equitable to grant relief,  of the company or any person interested and on such terms and conditions as it may seem to the Central Government just and expedient, direct that the time for the filing of the particulars or for the registration of the charge or for the giving of intimation of payment or satisfaction shall be extended or, as the case may require, that the omission or mis-statement shall be rectified.

(2) Where the Central Government extends the time for the registration of a charge, the order shall not prejudice any rights acquired in respect of the property concerned before the charge is actually registered.

Substituted vide the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2019 dated 31.07.2019 w.e.f., 02.11.2018. To view the Amendment Act, Click Here.
Substituted vide the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019 which repealed the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018. W.e.f., 02.11.2018. To view the Ordinance, 2019, Click Here. To view the Ordinance, 2018 Click Here 
Substituted vide the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019 which repealed the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018. W.e.f., 02.11.2018. To view the Ordinance, 2019, Click Here. To view the Ordinance, 2018 Click Here 
1.  Supersession of Notification S.O 1352 (E) vide  notification S.O. 4090(E)

2. Delegation of power to Regional Directors at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, New Delhi, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Shillong vide notification S.O. 4090(E). To view the notification,Click Here

2(75) Registrar means a Registrar, an Additional Registrar, a Joint Registrar, a Deputy Registrar or an Assistant Registrar, having the duty of registering companies and discharging various functions under this Act
Charge means an interest or lien created on the property or assets of a company or any of its undertakings or both as security and includes a mortgage
Company means a company incorporated under this Act or under any previous company law
Refer rule 12 of the Companies (Registration of Charges) Rules, 2014. To view the rule,Click Here

6.1.12-Companies (Registration of Charges) Rules,2014

. Rectification in register of charges on account of omission or misstatement of particulars in charge previously recorded and extension of time in filing of satisfaction of charge.– The Central Government may on an application filed in in accordance with section 87-

(a) direct rectification of the omission or misstatement of any particulars, in any filing, previously recorded with the Registrar with respect to any charge or modification thereof, or with respect to any memorandum of satisfaction or other entry made in pursuance of section 82 or section 83,

(b) direct extension of time for satisfaction of charge, if such filing is not made within a period of three hundred days from the date of such payment or satisfaction.

12. Condonation of delay and rectification of register of charges.-

(1) Where the instrument creating or modifying a charge is not filed within a period of three hundred days from the date of its creation (including acquisition of a property subject to a charge) or modification and where the satisfaction of the charge is not filed within thirty days from the date on which such payment of satisfaction, the Registrar shall not register the same unless the delay is condoned by the Central Government.

(2) The application for condonation of delay and for such other matters covered in sub-clause (a),(b) and (c) of clause (i) of sub-section (1) of Section 87 of the Act shall be filed with the Central Government in  along with the fee.

(3) The order passed by the Central Government under sub-section (1) of section 87 of the Act shall be required to be filed with the Registrar in  along with the fee as per the conditions stipulated in the said order.

Substituted vide the Companies (Registration of Charges) Amendment Rules, 2019 dated 30.04.2019. To view the Notification,Click Here

Form CHG-8 substituted vide MCA notification dated 29.08.2022. To view the Notification, Click here. To view the Form, Click here.

To view the return,Click Here

Substituted vide the Companies (Registration of Charges) Amendment Rules, 2018 dated 05.07.2018. To view the Notification, Click Here

Form CHG-8 substituted vide MCA notification dated 29.08.2022. To view the Notification, Click here. To view the Form, Click here.

To view the return,Click Here

To view the return,Click Here

Commencement Notification S.O. 147(E). dated 11.01.2022 for Section 56 of Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020 w.e.f. 01.07.2022

Commencement Notification S.O. 148(E). dated 11.01.2022 for Section 80 of Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017 w.e.f. 01.07.2022

Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2022 dated 11.01.2022 w.e.f. 01.07.2022

Delegations of Powers to Regional Directors S.O. 4090(E) dated 19/12/2016

Enforcement Notification S.O. 902(E) dated 26/03/2014

MCA Notification dated 19.01.2023 regarding Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2023

Powers delegated to Regional Director [S.O 1352 (E)] dated 21/05/2014

The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2019 dated 31.07.2019

The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018 dated 02.11.2018 [repealed vide the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019]

The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019 dated 12.01.2019 w.e.f., 02.11.2018

The Companies (Registration of Charges) Amendment Rules, 2019 dated 30.04.2019

Form INC – 28 – Substituted vide MCA Notification dated 19.01.2023

FORM NO. CHG.8 Application to Central Government for extension of time for filing particulars of registration of creation / modification / satisfaction of charge OR for rectification of omission or misstatement of any particular in respect of creation/ modification/ satisfaction of charge

FORM NO. INC.28 Notice of Order of the Court or any other competent authority

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