Section 91 of The Companies Act, 2013
Record Date or Date of closure of transfer books.
(1)The listed entity shall intimate the record date to all the stock exchange(s) where it is listed for the following purposes:
(a) declaration of dividend;
(c) issue of shares for conversion of debentures or any other convertible security;
(d) shares arising out of rights attached to debentures or any other convertible security
(e)corporate actions like mergers, de-mergers, splits and bonus shares, where stock derivatives are available on the stock of listed entity or where listed entity’s stocks form part of an index on which derivatives are available;
(f) such other purposes as may be specified by the stock exchange(s).
(2) The listed entity shall give notice in advance of atleast seven working days (excluding the date of intimation and the record date) to stock exchange(s) of record date specifying the purpose of the record date.
(4) The listed entity shall ensure the time gap of at least thirty days between two record dates.
- Refer NSE Circular dated 19.06.2020 regarding path filing of information using NEAPS. To view the circular, Click here.
- Extension vide SEBI Circular dated 26.03.2020 provided for implementation of circular on non-compliance with certain provisions of the SEBI LODR and the Standard Operating Procedure for suspension and revocation of trading of specified securities dated 22.01.2020. The revised implementation date is for compliance periods ending on or after June 30, 2020 from earlier date of March 31, 2020. To view the circular, Click Here.
- Refer SEBI Circular on non-compliance with certain provisions of the SEBI LODR and the Standard Operating Procedure for suspension and revocation of trading of specified securities dated 22.01.2020 to be implemented for compliance periods ending on or after March 31, 2020. To view the circular Click Here
- Refer SEBI Circular dated 19.05.2022 regarding Streamlining the Process of Rights Issue. To view the circular Click Here
2. Substituted vide the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2024 dated 12.12.2024. To view the Notification, Click Here.
2. Omitted vide the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2024 dated 12.12.2024. To view the Notification, Click Here.
2. Omitted vide the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2024 dated 12.12.2024. To view the Notification, Click Here.