- Short title, commencement and application
- Definitions
- Terms and conditions of acceptance of deposits by companies
- Form and particulars of advertisements or circulars
- Manner and extent of deposit insurance
- Creation of security
- Appointment of trustee for depositors
- Duties of trustees
- Meeting of depositors
- Form of application for deposits
- Power to nominate
- Furnishing of deposit receipts to depositors
- Maintenance of liquid assets and creation of deposit repayment reserve account
- Registers of deposits
- General provisions regarding premature repayment of deposits
- Return of deposits to be filed with the Registrar
- Penal rate of interest
- Power of Central Government to decide certain questions
- Applicability of sections 73 and 74 to eligible companies
- Statement regarding deposits existing as on the date of commencement of the Act
- Punishment for contravention