valid as on 02/03/2025

Regulation 3. Communication or procurement of unpublished price sensitive information.
Effective date 15.05.2015

Communication or procurement of unpublished price sensitive information.

3(1). No insider shall communicate, provide, or allow access to any unpublished price sensitive information, relating to a company or securities listed or proposed to be listed, to any person including other insiders except where such communication is in furtherance of legitimate purposes, performance of duties or discharge of legal obligations.

NOTE: This provision is intended to cast an obligation on all insiders who are essentially persons in possession of unpublished price sensitive information to handle such information with care and to deal with the information with them when transacting their business strictly on a need-to-know basis. It is also intended to lead to organisations developing practices based on need-to-know principles for treatment of information in their possession.

(2) No person shall procure from or cause the communication by any insider of unpublished price sensitive information, relating to a company or securities listed or proposed to be listed, except in furtherance of legitimate purposes, performance of duties or discharge of legal obligations.

NOTE: This provision is intended to impose a prohibition on unlawfully procuring possession of unpublished price sensitive information. Inducement and procurement of unpublished price sensitive information not in furtherance of one’s legitimate duties and discharge of obligations would be illegal under this provision.

The board of directors of a listed company shall make a policy for determination of “legitimate purposes” as a part of “Codes of Fair Disclosure and Conduct” formulated under regulation 8.

For the purpose of illustration, the term “legitimate purpose” shall include sharing of unpublished price sensitive information in the ordinary course of business by an insider with partners, collaborators, lenders, customers, suppliers, merchant bankers, legal advisors, auditors, insolvency professionals or other advisors or consultants, provided that such sharing has not been carried out to evade or circumvent the prohibitions of these regulations.

Any person in receipt of unpublished price sensitive information pursuant to a “legitimate purpose” shall be considered an “insider” for purposes of these regulations and due notice shall be given to such persons to maintain confidentiality of such unpublished price sensitive information in compliance with these regulations

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this regulation, an unpublished price sensitive information may be communicated, provided, allowed access to or procured, in connection with a transaction that would:–

i. entail an obligation to make an open offer under the takeover regulations where the board of directors of the company is of informed opinion that the proposed transaction is in the best interests of the company;

NOTE: It is intended to acknowledge the necessity of communicating, providing, allowing access to or procuring UPSI for substantial transactions such as takeovers, mergers and acquisitions involving trading in securities and change of control to assess a potential investment. In an open offer under the takeover regulations, not only would the same price be made available to all shareholders of the company but also all information necessary to enable an informed divestment or retention decision by the public shareholders is required to be made available to all shareholders in the letter of offer under those regulations.

ii. not attract the obligation to make an open offer under the takeover regulations but where the board of directors of the company is of informed opinion that the proposed transaction is in the best interests of the company and the information that constitute unpublished price sensitive information is disseminated to be made generally available at least two trading days prior to the proposed transaction being effected in such form as the board of directors may determine .

NOTE: It is intended to permit communicating, providing, allowing access to or procuring UPSI also in transactions that do not entail an open offer obligation under the takeover regulations if it is in the best interests of the company. The board of directors, however, would cause public disclosures of such unpublished price sensitive information well before the proposed transaction to rule out any information asymmetry in the market.

(4) For purposes of sub-regulation (3), the board of directors shall require the parties to execute agreements to contract confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations on the part of such parties and such parties shall keep information so received confidential, except for the purpose of sub-regulation (3), and shall not otherwise trade in securities of the company when in possession of unpublished price sensitive information.

The board of directors or head(s) of the organisation of every person required to handle unpublished price sensitive information shall ensure that a is maintained containing the nature of unpublished price sensitive information and the names of such persons who have shared the information and also the names of such persons with whom information is shared under this regulation along with the Permanent Account Number or any other identifier authorized by law where Permanent Account Number is not available. Such database shall not be outsourced and shall be maintained internally with adequate internal controls and checks such as time stamping and audit trails to ensure non-tampering of the database.”

The board of directors shall ensure that a is maintained containing the names of such persons or entities as the case may be with whom information is shared under this regulation along with the Permanent Account Number or any other identifier authorized by law where Permanent Account Number is not available. Such databases shall be maintained with adequate internal controls and checks such as time stamping and audit trails to ensure non-tampering of the database

The board of directors or head(s) of the organisation of every person required to handle unpublished price sensitive information shall ensure that the is preserved for a period of not less than eight years after completion of the relevant transactions and in the event of receipt of any information from the Board regarding any investigation or enforcement proceedings, the relevant information in the structured digital database shall be preserved till the completion of such proceedings.”

Inserted vide Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 31.12.2018. To view the notification,Click Here
Inserted vide Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 31.12.2018. To view the notification,Click Here
Inserted vide Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 31.12.2018. To view the notification, Click Here
Inserted vide Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 31.12.2018. To view the notification, Click Here
Substituted vide Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 31.12.2018. To view the notification,Click Here
Inserted vide Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 31.12.2018. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 31.12.2018. To view the notification,Click Here
Inserted vide Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 31.12.2018. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 31.12.2018. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide Securities and Exchange Board Of India (Prohibition Of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 17.07.2020. To view the notification,Click Here
  1. Refer the comprehensive FAQs on SEBI (PIT) regulations, 2015 issued by SEBI dated 31.12.2024. To view the FAQs, Click here.
  2. NSE and BSE have issued circulars regarding the Standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database dated 13.11.2024. To view the NSE Circular, Click here. To view the BSE Circular, Click here.
  3. NSE and BSE have issued circulars regarding the Standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database dated 18.10.2024. To view the NSE Circular, Click here. To view the BSE Circular, Click here.
  4. Refer the comprehensive FAQs on SEBI (PIT) regulations, 2015 issued by SEBI dated 31.03.2023. To view the FAQs, Click here.
  5. NSE and BSE have issued circulars regarding the standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database dated 29.03.2023. To view the NSE Circular, Click here. To view the BSE Circular, Click here.
  6. NSE and BSE have issued circulars regarding the standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database dated 25.01.20223. To view the NSE Circular, Click here. To view the BSE Circular, Click here.
  7. Refer NSE Circular dated 04.11.2022 regarding the Standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database. To view the Circular, Click here.
  8. Refer NSE Circular dated 28.10.2022 regarding the Standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database. To view the Circular, Click here.
  9. Refer FAQs on SDD under the SEBI (PIT) Regulations 2015 issued on 28.10.2022. To view the FAQs. Click Here.
  10. Refer FAQs on SEBI (PIT) Regulations 2015 issued on 08.10.2020. To view the FAQs. Click Here.
Inserted vide Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 31.12.2018. To view the notification, Click Here
Refer FAQs on SEBI (PIT) Regulations 2015. To view the FAQs. Click Here.
Inserted vide Securities and Exchange Board Of India (Prohibition Of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 17.07.2020. To view the notification, Click Here
  1. Refer the comprehensive FAQs on SEBI (PIT) regulations, 2015 issued by SEBI dated 31.12.2024. To view the FAQs, Click here.
  2. NSE and BSE have issued circulars regarding the Standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database dated 13.11.2024. To view the NSE Circular, Click here. To view the BSE Circular, Click here.
  3. NSE and BSE have issued circulars regarding the Standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database dated 18.10.2024. To view the NSE Circular, Click here. To view the BSE Circular, Click here.
  4. Refer the comprehensive FAQs on SEBI (PIT) regulations, 2015 issued by SEBI dated 31.03.2023. To view the FAQs, Click here.
  5. NSE and BSE have issued circulars regarding the standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database dated 29.03.2023. To view the NSE Circular, Click here. To view the BSE Circular, Click here.
  6. NSE and BSE have issued circulars regarding the standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database dated 25.01.2023. To view the NSE Circular, Click here. To view the BSE Circular, Click here.
  7. Refer NSE Circular dated 04.11.2022 regarding the Standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database. To view the Circular, Click here.
  8. Refer NSE Circular dated 28.10.2022 regarding the Standard Operating Process for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database. To view the Circular, Click here.

Securities and Exchange Board Of India (Prohibition Of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 17.07.2020

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 31.12.2018

BSE Circular dated 25.01.2023 regarding the Standard Operating Process under SEBI(PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (“SDD”).

BSE Circular dated 29.03.2023 regarding the Standard Operating Process under SEBI(PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (“SDD”)

BSE Circular regarding Standard Operating Process under SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (“SDD”) dated 13.11.2024

BSE Circular regarding Standard Operating Process under SEBI(PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (“SDD”) dated 18.10.2024

Clarification in the form of comprehensive FAQs on SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015 issued by SEBI on 31.03.2023.

Clarification in the form of comprehensive FAQs on SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015 issued by SEBI on 31.12.2024

FAQs on SEBI (PIT) Regulations 2015

FAQs on SEBI (PIT) Regulations 2015 issued on 08.10.2020

FAQs on Structured Digital Database (SDD) under the provisions of SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015

NSE Circular dated 04.11.2022 regarding SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (SDD)

NSE Circular dated 25.01.2023 regarding the Standard Operating Process under SEBI(PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (“SDD”).

NSE Circular dated 28.10.2022 regarding Standard Operating Process under SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (SDD).


NSE Circular dated 29.03.2023 regarding the Standard Operating Process under SEBI(PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (“SDD”)

NSE Circular regarding Standard Operating Process under SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (“SDD”) dated 13.11.2024

NSE Circular regarding Standard Operating Process under SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (“SDD”) dated 18.10.2024

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