valid as on 02/03/2025

Regulation 98. Liability for contravention of the Act, rules or the regulations.
Effective date 01.12.2015

Liability for contravention of the Act, rules or the regulations.

(1)The listed entity or any other person thereof who contravenes any of the provisions of these regulations, shall, in addition to liability for action in terms of the securities laws, be liable for the following actions by the respective stock exchange(s), in the manner specified in or guidelines issued by the Board:

(b) suspension of trading;

(c)freezing of promoter/promoter group holding of designated securities, as may be applicable, in coordination with depositories.

(d) any other action as may be specified by the Board from time to time

(2)   The manner of revocation of actions specified in clauses (b) and (c) of sub-regulation (1), shall be as specified in circulars or guidelines issued by the Board.

  1. Refer SEBI Master Circular dated 11.11.2024 for compliance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 by listed entities. To view the Circular, Click Here.
  2. Refer SEBI Master Circular dated 11.07.2023 & BSE Circular dated 13.07.2023 for compliance with SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. To view the SEBI circular, Click here. To view the BSE Circular, Click here.
  3. Refer Master Circulars dated 30.06.2023 issued by SEBI, NSE and BSE. To view the SEBI circular, Click here. To view the NSE Circular, Click here. To view the BSE Circular, Click here.
  4. Refer Updated SEBI Operational Circular as on 01.12.2022. To view the circular, Click Here. To view the BSE Circular, Click here.
  5. Refer SEBI Operational Circular dated 29.07.2022 for listing obligations and disclosure requirements for Non-convertible Securities, Securitized Debt Instruments and /or Commercial Paper. To view the circular, Click Here
  • Refer circular dated 14.05.2020 for relaxation on compliance from MPS due to COVID. To view the circular,Click Here
  • Refer circular 18/2014. To view the clarification,Click Here
  • Refer Circular SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD/CIR/P/2018/77 dated 03.05.2018. To view the clarification,Click Here
  • Refer SEBI Circular dated 13.11.2020 regarding Non-compliance with provisions related to continuous disclosures. To view the circular,Click Here

    BSE Circular dated 13.07.2023 regarding compliance with SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015

    BSE Circular dated 16.12.2022 regarding updated SEBI Operational circular for listing obligations and disclosure requirements for Non-convertible Securities, Securitized Debt Instruments and/ or Commercial Paper.


    BSE Circular dated 30.06.2023 regarding Master Circular – Listing Compliance

    Circular for Non-compliance with certain provisions of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and the Standard Operating Procedure for suspension and revocation of trading of specified securities dated 03.05.2018

    NSE Circular dated 30.06.2023 regarding Master Circular for Listed Entities

    Operational Circular dated 29.07.2022 for listing obligations and disclosure requirements for Non-convertible Securities, Securitized Debt Instruments and/or Commercial Paper.

    SEBI Circular dated 13.11.2020 regarding Non-compliance with provisions related to continuous disclosures

    SEBI Circular dated 14.05.2020 on relaxation from the applicability of SEBI Circular dated 10.10.2017 on non-compliance with the Minimum Public Shareholding requirements

    SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD/CIR/P/2016/116 dated 26/10/2016

    SEBI Master Circular dated 11.07.2023 for Listed Companies

    SEBI Master Circular dated 30.06.2023 regarding listing obligations and disclosure requirements for Non-convertible Securities, Securitized Debt Instruments and/ or Commercial Paper

    SEBI Master Circular for compliance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 by listed entities dated 11.11.2024

    Updated SEBI Operational Circular dated 01.12.2022

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