2.5.33:Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016
33. Mode of sale.
(1) The liquidator shall ordinarily sell the assets of the corporate debtor in the manner specified in
(2) The liquidator may sell the assets of the corporate debtor by means of private sale in the manner specified in when-
(a) the asset is perishable;
(b) the asset is likely to deteriorate in value significantly if not sold immediately;
(d) the prior permission of the Adjudicating Authority has been obtained for such sale:
Provided that the liquidator shall not sell the assets, without prior permission of the Adjudicating Authority, by way of private sale to-
(a) a related party of the corporate debtor;
(b) his related party; or
(c) any professional appointed by him.
(3) The liquidator shall not proceed with the sale of an asset if he has reason to believe that there is any collusion between the buyers, or the corporate debtor’s related parties and buyers, or the creditors and the buyer, and shall submit a report to the Adjudicating Authority in this regard, seeking appropriate orders against the colluding parties.
2. Refer IBBI Circular regarding Centralized Electronic Listing and Auction Platform for the Sale of Assets under Liquidation Process dated 29.10.2024 effective 01.11.2024. To view the Circular, Click Here.
IBBI Notification dated 12.02.2024 regarding IBBI (Liquidation Process) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024
IBBI Notification dated 16.09.2022 regarding Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2022
IBBI Notification regarding IBBI (Liquidation Process) (Amendment) Regulations, 2025 dated 28.01.2025
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process) (Amendment) Regulations, 2019 dated 25.07.2019
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2021 dated 30.09.2021
IBBI Circular regarding Centralized Electronic Listing and Auction Platform for the Sale of Assets under Liquidation Process dated 29.10.2024 effective 01.11.2024
IBBI Circular regarding mandatory use of eBKray Auction Platform for Liquidation Processes dated 10.01.2025 effective 01.04.2025
Schedule I-Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016
(Under Regulation 33 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016)
(1) Where an asset is to be sold through auction, a liquidator shall do so the in the manner specified herein.
Subject to provisions of regulation 2B, the liquidator shall issue a public notice of an auction for sale under regulation 32 within forty-five days from the liquidation commencement date unless the consultation committee advises to extend the timeline.
The liquidator shall issue public notice for the next auction, in case of failure of the auction, within fifteen days from the last failed auction unless the consultation committee advises to deviate from the specified time period.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Schedule, the liquidator shall complete an auction process within thirty-five days from the issue of public notice for auction.
The liquidator shall provide at least fourteen days from issue of public notice for submission of eligibility documents by prospective bidder.
The liquidator shall provide to the prospective bidder, access of the assets under auction to facilitate their inspection and due diligence.
The liquidator shall provide to qualified bidder at least seven days, for inspection or due diligence of assets under auction, from the date of declaration of qualified bidder.
A prospective bidder in an auction process shall deposit earnest money deposit at least up to two days before the date of auction.
(2) The liquidator shall prepare a marketing strategy, with the help of marketing professionals, if required, for sale of the asset. The strategy may include-
(a) releasing advertisements;
(b) preparing information sheets for the asset;
(c) preparing a notice of sale; and
(d) liaising with agents.
(3) The liquidator shall prepare terms and conditions of sale, including reserve price, earnest money deposit as well as pre-bid qualifications, if any.
the liquidator shall not require payment of any non-refundable deposit or fee for participation in an auction under the liquidation process:
the earnest money deposit shall not exceed ten percent. of the reserve price.
the liquidator shall mention in the auction notice, the period extended under clause (h) of sub-regulation (1) of regulation 31A.
The reserve price shall be the value of the asset arrived at in accordance with regulation 35 and where an auction fails, the reserve price in subsequent auctions may be further reduced by not more than ten percent at a time:
in cases where the reserve price of the failed auction of the asset was fixed as per the valuation under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 35, the liquidator may, on the advice of the consultation committee, reduce the reserve price up to twenty-five percent, once during the process.
The reserve price shall be the value of the asset arrived at in accordance with regulation 35.
Where an auction fails at the reserve price, the liquidator may reduce the reserve price by up to twenty-five percent of such value to conduct subsequent auction.
Where an auction fails at reduced price under clause (4A), the reserve price in subsequent auctions may be further reduced by not more than ten percent at a time.”;
(4) The reserve price shall be the value of the asset arrived at in accordance with Regulation 34. Such valuation shall not be more than six months old. However, in the event that an auction fails at such price, the liquidator may reduce the reserve price up to seventy-five per cent of such value to conduct subsequent auctions.
The liquidator shall make a public announcement of an auction in the manner specified in Regulation 12(3);
Provided that the liquidator may apply to Adjudicating Authority to dispense with the requirement of Regulation 12(3)(a) keeping in view the value of the asset intended to be sold by auction.
The public notice shall state that prospective bidders shall submit an undertaking that they do not suffer from any ineligibility under section 29A of the Code to the extent applicable and that if found ineligible at any stage, the earnest money deposited shall be forfeited.
(6) The liquidator shall provide all assistance necessary for the conduct of due diligence by interested buyers.
From a date to be notified through circular by the Board, the liquidator shall sell the assets only through an electronic auction platform empanelled by the Board.
(7) The liquidator shall sell the assets through an electronic auction on an online portal, if any, designated by the Board, where the interested buyers can register, bid and receive confirmation of the acceptance of their bid online.
(8) If the liquidator is of the opinion that a physical auction is likely to maximize the realization from the sale of assets and is in the best interests of the creditors, he may sell assets through a physical auction after obtaining the permission of the Adjudicating Authority. The liquidator may engage the services of qualified professional auctioneers specializing in auctioning such assets for this purpose.
(9) An auction shall be transparent, and the highest bid at any given point shall be visible to the other bidders.
(10) If the liquidator is of the opinion that an auction where bid amounts are not visible is likely to maximize realizations from the sale of assets and is in the best interests of the creditors, he may apply, in writing, to the Adjudicating Authority for its permission to conduct an auction in such manner.
(11) If required, the liquidator may conduct multiple rounds of auctions to maximize the realization from the sale of the assets, and to promote the best interests of the creditors.
Where the liquidator rejects the highest bid in an auction process, he shall intimate the reasons for such rejection to the highest bidder and mention it in the next progress report.
On the close of the auction, the highest bidder shall be invited to provide balance sale consideration within ninety days or such period as mentioned in the auction notice under clause 3,of the date of such demand:
payments made after thirty days shall attract interest at the rate of twelve per cent.:
the sale shall be cancelled if the payment is not received within the period provided under this clause.
Within three days of declaring the highest bidder, the liquidator shall conduct due diligence and verify the eligibility of the highest bidder.
The liquidator shall present the auction results, details of highest bidder, and the due diligence conducted on it to the consultation committee under regulation 31A.
The liquidator shall declare the highest bidder as the successful bidder or reject such bid, after consultation with the consultation committee under regulation 31A.
If a bidder is found ineligible, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited.
In case the highest bidder is found ineligible, the liquidator may, in consultation with the consultation committee, declare the next highest bidder as the successful bidder after following the same process as provided under clause (12A) to clause (12E).”
On the close of the auction, the highest bidder shall be invited to provide balance sale consideration within ninety days of the date of such demand:
Provided that payments made after thirty days shall attract interest at the rate of 12%:
Provided further that the sale shall be cancelled if the payment is not received within ninety days.
(12) On the close of the auction, the highest bidder shall be invited to provide balance sale consideration within fifteen days of the date when he is invited to provide the balance sale consideration. On payment of the full amount, the sale shall stand completed, the liquidator shall execute certificate of sale or sale deed to transfer such assets and the assets shall be delivered to him in the manner specified in the terms of sale.
On payment of the full amount, the sale shall stand completed, the liquidator shall execute certificate of sale or sale deed to transfer such assets and the assets shall be delivered to him in the manner specified in the terms of sale
(1) Where an asset is to be sold through private sale, a liquidator shall conduct the sale in the manner specified herein.
(2) The liquidator shall prepare a strategy to approach interested buyers for assets to be sold by private sale.
(3) Private sale may be conducted through directly liaising with potential buyers or their agents, through retail shops, or through any other means that is likely to maximize the realizations from the sale of assets.
The private sale shall be confirmed to the buyer after consultation with the consultation committee under regulation 33.
(4) The sale shall stand completed in accordance with the terms of sale.
(5) Thereafter, the assets shall be delivered to the purchaser, on receipt of full consideration for the assets, in the manner specified in the terms of sale.
2. Inserted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2022 dated 16.09.2022. To view the notification, Click Here
2. Refer IBBI Circular regarding Centralized Electronic Listing and Auction Platform for the Sale of Assets under Liquidation Process dated 29.10.2024 effective 01.11.2024. To view the Circular, Click Here.
3. Substituted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2022 dated 16.09.2022. To view the notification, Click Here