valid as on 09/02/2025

Section 2(57) net worth
Effective from 12-09-2013

Regulation2(s)of LODR

“net worth” means the aggregate value of the paid-up share capital and all reserves created out of the profits and securities premium account , after deducting the aggregate value of the accumulated losses, deferred expenditure and miscellaneous expenditure not written off, as per the audited balance sheet, but does not include reserves created out of revaluation of assets, write-back of depreciation and amalgamation

Inserted vide Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017 dated 03.01.2018 effective from 09.02.2018. To view the notification,Click Here

Commencement Notification dated 09.02.2018

Enforcement notification S.O.2754 (E) dated 12/09/2013

The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017 (Effective from 03.01.2018)

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