valid as on 10/03/2025

IBC Section 150-Duties of bankrupt towards bankruptcy trustee.
W.e.f., 01.12.2019

(1) The bankrupt shall  in carrying out his functions under this Chapter by—

(a) giving to the bankruptcy trustee the information of his affairs;

(b) attending on the bankruptcy trustee at such times as may be required;

(c) giving notice to the bankruptcy trustee of any of the following events which have occurred after the bankruptcy commencement date,—

(i) acquisition of any property by the bankrupt;

(ii) devolution of any property upon the bankrupt;

(iii) increase in the income of the bankrupt; (d) doing all other things as may be prescribed.

(2) The bankrupt of the increase in income or acquisition or devolution of property under clause (c) of sub-section (1) within seven days of such increase, acquisition or devolution.

(3) The bankrupt shall continue to discharge the duties under sub-section (1) other than the duties under clause (c) evenafter the discharge under section 138.

Refer regulation 12 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Bankruptcy Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Regulations, 2019. To view the regulation,Click Here
Refer Regulation 28 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Bankruptcy Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Regulations, 2019. To view the regulation, Click Here

2.17.12. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Bankruptcy Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Regulations, 2019

12. Persons to extend cooperation.

(1) The following persons shall extend all assistance and cooperation to the bankruptcy trustee to complete the bankruptcy process-

(a) the bankrupt;

(b) creditors of the bankrupt;

(c) employees and workmen of the bankrupt;

(d) partners of the bankrupt;

(e) auditors of the bankrupt;

(f) professionals appointed by the bankruptcy trustee under these regulations;

(g) the resolution professional or the previous bankruptcy trustee of the bankrupt;

(h) the interim resolution professional, the resolution professional and the liquidator in respect of the corporate debtor;

(i) any person who has possession of any of the properties of the bankrupt; and

(j) any other person connected or relevant to the bankruptcy process.

(2) The bankruptcy trustee shall record and maintain the particulars of any consultation he had with the persons mentioned in sub-regulation (1).

(3) Where the bankruptcy trustee after making reasonable efforts fails to obtain the information or cooperation from persons under sub-regulation (1), he may make an application to the Adjudicating Authority for appropriate directions as may be necessary for the conduct of the bankruptcy process.

2.17.28. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Bankruptcy Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Regulations, 2019

28. Acquisition, etc., of after acquired property by bankrupt.

(1) After a notice is given by the bankrupt under sub-section (2) of section 150, he shall not part with any increase in his income or dispose of any property acquired, without the prior permission of the Adjudicating Authority.

(2) If the bankrupt disposes of property before giving the notice under sub-section (2) of section 150, he shall within seven days from such disposal, disclose to the bankruptcy trustee the relevant details of the person to whom the property has been transferred, and shall also provide any other information which may be necessary to enable the bankruptcy trustee to trace the property and recover it for the purpose of bankruptcy estate.

(3) Any expense incurred by the bankruptcy trustee in bringing back any amount or acquiring title to the property referred to in sub-regulation (2) shall form part of the bankruptcy process costs.

Enforcement Notification under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code dated 15.11.2019 w.e.f., 01.12.2019

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