Schedule A

[See sub-regulation (1) of regulation 8]

Principles of Fair Disclosure for purposes of Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information

1. Prompt public disclosure of unpublished price sensitive information that would impact price discovery no sooner than credible and concrete information comes into being in order to make such information generally available.

2. Uniform and universal dissemination of unpublished price sensitive unpublished price sensitive information to avoid selective disclosure.

Designation of a senior officer as a chief investor relations officer to deal with dissemination of information and disclosure of unpublished price sensitive information.

4. Prompt dissemination of unpublished price sensitive information that gets disclosed selectively, inadvertently or otherwise to make such information generally available.

5. Appropriate and fair response to queries on news reports and requests for verification of market rumours by regulatory authorities.

6. Ensuring that information shared with analysts and research personnel is not unpublished price sensitive information.

7. Developing best practices to make transcripts or records of proceedings of meetings with analysts and other investor relations conferences on the official website to ensure official confirmation and documentation of disclosures made.

8. Handling of all unpublished price sensitive information on a need-to-know basis.

Refer the comprehensive FAQs on SEBI (PIT) regulations, 2015 issued by SEBI dated 31.12.2024. To view the FAQs, Click here