valid as on 11/03/2025

Regulation 76 - Pricing of equity shares- Frequently traded shares
Effective from 26-08-2009

76. Pricing of equity shares-

(1) If the equity shares of the issuer have been listed on a recognised stock exchange for a period of  six months or more as on the relevant date, the equity shares shall be allotted at a price not less than higher of the following:

(a) The average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related equity shares quoted on the recognised stock exchange during the six months preceding the relevant date; or

(b) The average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related equity shares quoted on a recognised stock exchange during the two weeks preceding the relevant date.

(2) If the equity shares of the issuer have been listed on a recognised stock exchange for a period of less than six months as on the relevant date, the equity shares shall be allotted at a price not less than the higher of the following:

(a) the price at which equity shares were issued by the issuer in its initial public offer or the value per share arrived at in a scheme of arrangement under sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956, pursuant to which the equity shares of the issuer were listed, as the case may be;or

(b) the average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related equity shares quoted on the recognised stock exchange during the period shares have been listed preceding the relevant date; or

(c) the average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related equity shares quoted on a recognised stock exchange during the two weeks preceding the relevant date.

(3) Where the price of the equity shares is determined in terms of sub-regulation (2), such price shall be recomputed by the issuer on completion of six months from the date of listing on a recognised stock exchange with reference to the average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related equity shares quoted on the recognised stock exchange during these six months and if such recomputed price is higher than the price paid on allotment, the difference shall be paid by the allottees to the issuer.

(4) Any preferential issue of specified securities, to qualified institutional buyers not exceeding five in number, shall be made at a price not less than the average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related equity shares quoted on a recognised stock exchange during the two weeks preceding the relevant date.
Explanation: For the purpose of this regulation, ‘stock exchange’ means any of the recognised stock exchanges in which the equity shares are listed and in which the highest trading volume in respect of the equity shares of the issuer has been recorded during the preceding six months prior to the relevant date.

Inserted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2014 w.e.f. 25.08.2014. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012, w.e.f. 30.01.2012. To view the notification,Click Here
Substitued vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2014 w.e.f. 25.08.2014. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012, w.e.f. 30.01.2012. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2014 w.e.f. 25.08.2014. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012, w.e.f. 30.01.2012. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2014 w.e.f. 25.08.2014. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2014 w.e.f. 25.08.2014. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012, w.e.f. 30.01.2012. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2014 w.e.f. 25.08.2014. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012, w.e.f. 30.01.2012. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2014 w.e.f. 25.08.2014. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012, w.e.f. 30.01.2012. To view the notification,Click Here

SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012, w.e.f. 30.01.2012

SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2014 w.e.f. 25.08.2014

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