valid as on 11/03/2025

Regulation 32 - Minimum promoters’ contribution
Effective from 26-08-2009

(1) The promoters of the issuer shall contribute in the public issue as follows:

(a) in case of an initial public offer, not less than twenty per cent. of the post issue capital;

in case the post issue shareholding of the promoters is less than twenty per cent., alternative investment funds may contribute for the purpose of meeting the shortfall in minimum contribution as specified for promoters, subject to a maximum of ten per cent of the post issue capital.

(b) in case of a further public offer, either to the extent of twenty per cent. of the proposed issue size or to the extent of twenty per cent. of the post-issue capital;

(c) in case of a composite issue, either to the extent of twenty per cent. of the proposed issue size or to the extent of twenty per cent. of the post-issue capital excluding the rights issue component.

(2) In case of a public issue or composite issue of convertible securities, minimum promoters’ contribution shall be as follows:

(a) the promoters shall contribute twenty per cent. as stipulated in clauses (a), (b) or (c) of sub-regulation (1), as the case may be, either by way of equity shares or by way of subscription to the convertible securities:
Provided that if the price of the equity shares allotted pursuant to conversion is not predetermined and not disclosed in the offer document, the promoters shall contribute only by way of subscription to the convertible securities being issued in the public issue and shall undertake in writing to subscribe to the equity shares pursuant to conversion of such securities.

(b) in case of any issue of convertible securities which are convertible or exchangeable on different dates and if the promoters’ contribution is by way of equity shares (conversion price being pre-determined), such contribution shall not be at a price lower than the weighted average price of the equity share capital arising out of conversion of such securities.

(c) subject to the provisions of clause (a) and (b) above, in case of an initial public offer of convertible debt instruments without a prior public issue of equity shares, the promoters shall bring in a contribution of at least twenty per cent. of the project cost in the form of equity shares, subject to contributing at least twenty per cent. of the issue size from their own funds in the form of equity shares:
Provided that if the project is to be implemented in stages, the promoters’ contribution shall be with respect to total equity participation till the respective stage vis-à-vis the debt raised or proposed to be raised through the public issue.

(3) In case of a further public offer or composite issue where the promoters contribute more than the stipulated minimum promoters’ contribution, the allotment with respect to excess contribution shall be made at a price determined in terms of the provisions of regulation 76 or the issue price, whichever is higher.

(4) The promoters shall satisfy the requirements of this regulation at least one day prior to the date of opening of the issue and the amount of promoters’ contribution shall be kept in an escrow account with a scheduled commercial bank and shall be released to the issuer along with the release of the issue proceeds:
Provided that where the promoters’ contribution has already been brought in and utilised, the issuer shall give the cash flow statement disclosing the use of such funds in the offer document;
Provided further that where the minimum promoters’ contribution is more than one hundred crore rupees, the promoters shall bring in at least one hundred crore rupees before the date of opening of the issue and the remaining amount may be brought on pro-rata basis before the calls are made to public.

Explanation: For the purpose of this regulation:

(I) Promoters’ contribution shall be computed on the basis of the post-issue expanded capital:

(a) assuming full proposed conversion of convertible securities into equity shares;

(b) assuming exercise of all vested options, where any employee stock options are
outstanding at the time of initial public offer in terms of proviso (b) to sub-regulation (5) of regulation 26.

(II) For computation of “weighted average price”:

(a) “weights” means the number of equity shares arising out of conversion of such specified securities into equity shares at various stages;

(b) “price” means the price of equity shares on conversion arrived at after taking into
account predetermined conversion price at various stages.

Substituted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2012, w.e.f. 12.10.2012. To view the notification,Click Here
Inserted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2012, w.e.f. 12.10.2012. To view the notification,Click Here

SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2012, w.e.f. 12.10.2012

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