valid as on 11/03/2025

Regulation 106W - Applicability
Effective from 14.08.2015

(1) The provisions of this chapter shall apply to entities which seek listing of their specified securities exclusively on the institutional trading platform either pursuant to a public issue or otherwise.

(2) The provisions of these regulations, in respect of the matters not specifically dealt or excluded under this Chapter, shall apply mutatis mutandis to any listing of specified securities under this Chapter:
Provided that the provisions of sub-regulation (4) of regulation 4, sub-regulations (1) and (2) of regulation 26 of these regulations shall not apply to listing of specified securities made under this Chapter.

(3) The institutional trading platform shall be accessible to institutional investors and non institutional investors.

Inserted vide SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2015, w.e.f. 14.08.2015. To view the notification,Click Here

SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2015, w.e.f. 14.08.2015

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