valid as on 22/10/2024

Regulation 68. Disclosure of material events or information.
Effective date 01.12.2015

Disclosure of material events or information.

68. (1) The listed entity shall promptly inform to the stock exchange(s) of all events which are material, all information which is price sensitive and/or have bearing on performance/operation of the listed entity.

(2)  Without prejudice to the generality of sub-regulation(1), the listed entity shall make the disclosures as specified in

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[See Regulation 68(2)]

A. The listed entity shall promptly inform to the stock exchange(s) of all events which are material and/or all information which are price sensitive or have bearing on performance/operation of the listed entity at the same time and to the extent it intimates to the listing authority or any other authority in its home country or other jurisdictions where its securities may be listed or other stock exchange(s) in its home country or other jurisdictions where its securities may be listed including:

1. any action or investigations initiated by any regulatory or statutory authority and the purpose for which it was initiated.

2. any attachment or prohibitory orders restraining the listed entity from transferring securities out of the names of the registered holders and particulars of the registered holders thereof.

3. the meeting of the board of directors which has been held to consider or decide on the following :

a. all dividends and/or cash bonuses recommended or declared or the decision to pass any dividend or cash bonus;

b. the total turnover, gross profit/loss, provision for depreciation, tax provisions and net profits for the year (with comparison with the previous year) and the amounts appropriated from reserves, capital profits, accumulated profits of past years or other special source to provide wholly or partly for any dividend, even if this calls for qualification that such information is provisional or subject to audit;

c. the recommendation or declaration of dividend or rights issue or issue of convertible debentures or of debentures carrying a right to subscribe to equity shares or the passing over of the dividend

d. any decision on buy back of equity shares of the listed entity,;

4. Change in

a. board of directors of listed entity by death, resignation, removal or otherwise;
b. managing director;
c. auditors appointed to audit the books and accounts;
d. the compliance officer;
e. the registrar to an issue and/or share transfer agent, domestic depository or the overseas custodian bank;

5. any change in the rights attaching to any class of equity shares into which the Indian Depository Receipts are exchangeable;

6. short particulars of any increase of capital whether by issue of bonus shares through capitalization, or by rights issue of equity shares, or in any other manner;

7. short particulars of the reissues of forfeited shares or securities, or the issue of shares or securities held in reserve for future issue or the creation in any form or manner of new shares or securities or any other rights, privileges or benefits to subscribe thereto;

8. short particulars of any other alterations of capital, including calls;

9. in the event of the listed entity granting any options to purchase any Indian Depository Receipts the following particulars:

a. the number of Indian Depository Receipts covered by such options, terms thereof and the time within which they may be exercised;

b. any subsequent changes or cancellation or exercise of such options;

10. Notices, resolutions, circulars, call letters or any other circulars etc. issued or advertised anywhere with respect to:

a. proceedings at all annual and extraordinary general meetings of the listed entity, including notices of meetings and proceedings of meeting;

b. amendments to its constitutional documents as soon as they have been approved by the listed entity in general meeting;

c. compliance with requirements in home country or in other jurisdictions where such securities are listed;

d. any merger, amalgamation, re-construction, reduction of capital, scheme or arrangement involving the listed entity including meetings of equity shareholders, IDR Holders or any class of them and proceedings at all such meetings;

11. any other information necessary to enable the IDR Holders to appraise the listed entity’s position and to avoid the establishment of a false market in IDRs;

B. The listed entity shall, apart from complying with all specific requirements as above, intimate the stock exchange(s) immediately of events such as strikes, lock outs, closure on account of power cuts, etc. and other material events or price sensitive information or events which shall have a material bearing on the performance / operations of the listed entity both at the time of occurrence of the event and subsequently after the cessation of the event at the same time and as to the extent that it discloses to holders of securities in its home country or in other jurisdictions where such securities are listed;

C. In addition to above, the listed entity shall disclose to the stock exchange(s), any information which is disclosed to any other overseas stock exchange(s) or made public in any other overseas securities market, on which its securities may be listed or quoted, simultaneously with such disclosure or publication, or as soon thereafter as may be reasonably practicable;

D. The listed entity shall submit to the stock exchange(s) on request any other information concerning the listed entity as the stock exchange(s) may reasonably require;

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