valid as on 02/03/2025

Section 22.Execution of bills of exchange, etc.
Effective from 12-09-2013

(1) A bill of exchange, hundi or promissory note shall be deemed to have been made, accepted, drawn or endorsed on behalf of a if made, accepted, drawn, or endorsed in the name of, or on behalf of or on account of, the company by any person acting under its authority, express or implied.

(2) A company may, by writing under its common seal , authorise any person, either generally or in respect of any specified matters, as its attorney to execute other deeds on its behalf in any place either in or outside India.

(3) A deed signed by such an attorney on behalf of the company and under his seal shall bind the company

2(20) Company means a company incorporated under this Act or under any previous company law
inserted by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 (21 of 2015), notified on 26th May, 2015, with effect from 29th May 2015 vide notification S.O. 1440(E). To view the notification,Click Here
inserted by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 (21 of 2015), notified on 26th May, 2015, with effect from 29th May 2015 vide notification S.O. 1440(E). To view the notification,Click Here
omitted by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 (21 of 2015), notified on 26th May, 2015, with effect from 29th May 2015 vide notification S.O. 1440(E). To view the notification,Click Here

Enforcement Notification S.O. 1440(E) dated 29/05/2016

Enforcement notification S.O.2754 (E) dated 12/09/2013

The Companies (Amendment) Act,2015


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