valid as on 22/10/2024

Regulation 16. Filing of letter of offer with the Board
Effective date 23.10.2011

Filing of letter of offer with the Board.

16. (1) Within five working days from the date of the detailed public statement made under  sub-regulation  (4)  of  regulation  13,  the  acquirer  shall,  through  the manager to the open offer, file with the Board, a draft of the letter of offer containing such information as may be specified along with a non-refundable fee, as per the following scale, by way of a banker’s cheque or demand draft payable in Mumbai in favour of the Board,—

Sl. No.
Consideration payable under the Open OfferFee (Rs.)
aUpto ten crore rupees.Five lakh rupees (Rs. 5,00,000)
bMore than ten crore rupees,
but less than or equal to one
thousand crore rupees.
0.5 per cent of the offer size
cMore than one thousand crore
Five crore rupees (Rs. 5,00,00,000)
plus 0.125 per cent of the portion of
the offer size in excess of one
thousand crore rupees (1000,00,00,000).
aUpto ten crore rupees.One lakh twenty five thousands rupees (1,25,000)
bMore than ten crore rupees, but less than or equal to one thousand crore rupees.
One lakh twenty five thousands rupees (1,25,000) plus 0.025 per cent of the portion of the offer size in excess of ten crore rupees (10,00,00,000).
cMore than one thousand crore
rupees, but less than or equal to five thousand crore rupees.
One crore twenty five lakh rupees (
1,25,00,000) plus 0.03125 per cent of the portion of the offer size in excess of one
thousand crore rupees (1000,00,00,000).
dMore than five thousand crore
Two crore fifty lakh rupees (2,50,00,000) plus 0.01 per cent of the portion of the offer size in excess of five thousand crore rupees
( 5000,00,00,000), subject to a maximum
of three crore rupees ( 3,00,00,000).

2. The consideration payable under the open offer shall be calculated at the offer price, assuming full acceptance of the open offer, and in the event the open offer is subject to differential pricing, shall be computed at the highest offer price, irrespective of manner of payment of the consideration:

Provided that in the event of consideration payable under the open offer being enhanced owing to a revision to the offer price or offer size the fees payable shall stand revised accordingly, and shall be paid within five working days from the date of such revision.

3. The manager to the open offer shall provide soft copies of the public announcement, the detailed public statement and the draft letter of offer in accordance with such specifications as may be specified, and the Board shall upload the same on its website.

4. The Board shall give its comments on the draft letter of offer as expeditiously as possible but not later than fifteen working days of the receipt of the draft letter of offer and in the event of no comments being issued by the Board within such period, it shall be deemed that the Board does not have comments to offer:

Provided that in the event the Board has sought clarifications or additional information from the manager to the open offer, the period for issuance of comments shall be extended to the fifth working day from the date of receipt of satisfactory reply to the clarification or additional information sought.

Provided further that in the event the Board specifies any changes, the manager to the open offer and the acquirer shall carry out such changes in the letter of offer before it is dispatched to the shareholders.

5. In the case of competing offers, the Board shall provide its comments on the draft letter of offer in respect of each competing offer on the same day.

6. In the event the disclosures in the draft letter of offer are inadequate the Board may call for a revised letter of offer and shall deal with the revised letter of offer in accordance with sub-regulation (4).

Inserted by the SEBI (Payment of Fees and Mode of Payment) (Amendment) Regulations, 2017, w.e.f. 6-3-2017. To view the notification,Click Here

SEBI (Payment of Fees and Mode of Payment) (Amendment) Regulations, 2017, w.e.f. 06.03.2017

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