valid as on 10/03/2025

IBC Section 54P-Application of provisions of Chapters II, III, VI, and VII to this Chapter.

(1) Save as provided under this Chapter, the provisions of sections 24, 25A, 26, 27, 28, 29A, 32A, 43 to 51, and the provisions of Chapters VI and VII of this Part shall, mutatis mutandis apply, to the pre-packaged insolvency resolution process, subject to the following, namely:―

(a) reference to “members of the suspended Board of Directors or the partners” under clause (b) of sub-section (3) of section 24 shall be construed as reference to “members of the Board of Directors or the partners, unless an order has been passed by the Adjudicating Authority under section 54J”;

(b) reference to “clause (j) of sub-section (2) of section 25” under section 26 shall be construed as reference to “clause (h) of sub-section (2) of section 54F”;

(c) reference to “section 16” under section 27 shall be construed as reference to “section 54E”;

(d) reference to “resolution professional” in subsections (1) and (4) of section 28 shall be construed as “corporate debtor”;

(e) reference to “section 31” under sub-section (3) of section 61 shall be construed as reference to “sub-section (1) of section 54L”;

(f) reference to “section 14” in sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 74 shall be construed as reference to “clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 54E”;

(g) reference to “section 31” in sub-section (3) of section 74 shall be construed as” reference to “sub-section (1) of section 54L”.

(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of this Chapter and unless the context otherwise requires, where the provisions of Chapters II, III, VI and VII are applied to the proceedings under this Chapter, references to —

(a) “insolvency commencement date” shall be construed as references to “pre-packaged insolvency commencement date”;

(b) “resolution professional” or “interim resolution professional”, as the case may be, shall be construed as references to the resolution professional appointed under this Chapter;

(c) “corporate insolvency resolution process” shall be construed as references to “pre-packaged insolvency resolution process”; and

(d) “insolvency resolution process period” shall be construed as references to “pre-packaged insolvency resolution process period.”

1. Inserted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Act, 2021 notification dated 11.08.2021, effective from 04.04.2021. The Ordinance dated 04.04.2021 stands repealed. To view the notification, Click Here
2. Inserted vide The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 dated 04.04.2021. To view the notification, Click Here

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Act, 2021 notification dated 11.08.2021

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 dated 04.04.2021

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