valid as on 03/10/2024

IBC Section 54F-Duties and powers of resolution professional during prepackaged insolvency resolution process.

(1) The resolution professional shall conduct the pre-packaged insolvency resolution process of a corporate debtor during the pre-packaged insolvency resolution process period.

(2) The resolution professional shall perform the following duties, namely:—

(a) confirm the list of claims submitted by the corporate debtor under section 54G, in such manner as may be specified;

(b) inform creditors regarding their claims as confirmed under clause (a), in such manner as may be specified;

(c) maintain an updated list of claims, in such manner as may be specified;

(d) monitor management of the affairs of the corporate debtor;

(e) inform the committee of creditors in the event of breach of any of the obligations of the Board of Directors or partners, as the case may be, of the corporate debtor, under the provisions of this Chapter and the rules and regulations made thereunder;

(f) constitute the committee of creditors and convene and attend all its meetings;

(g) prepare the information memorandum on the basis of the preliminary information memorandum submitted under section 54G and any other relevant information, in such form and manner as may be specified;

(h) file applications for avoidance of transactions under Chapter III or fraudulent or wrongful trading under Chapter VI, if any; and

(i) such other duties as may be specified.

(3) The resolution professional shall exercise the following powers, namely:—

(a) access all books of accounts, records and information available with the corporate debtor;

(b) access the electronic records of the corporate debtor from an information utility having financial information of the corporate debtor;

(c) access the books of accounts, records and other relevant documents of the corporate debtor available with Government authorities, statutory auditors, accountants and such other persons as may be specified;

(d) attend meetings of members, Board of Directors and committee of directors, or partners, as the case may be, of the corporate debtor;

(e) appoint accountants, legal or other professionals in such manner

(f) collect all information relating to the assets, finances and operations of the corporate debtor for determining the financial position of the corporate debtor and the existence of any transactions that may be within the scope of provisions relating to avoidance of transactions under Chapter III or fraudulent or wrongful trading under Chapter VI, including information relating to —

(i) business operations for the previous two years from the date of pre-packaged insolvency commencement date;

(ii) financial and operational payments for the previous two years from the date of prepackaged insolvency commencement date;

(iii) list of assets and liabilities as on the initiation date; and

(iv) such other matters as may be specified;

(g) take such other actions in such manner as may be specified.

(4) From the date of appointment of the resolution professional, the financial institutions maintaining accounts of the corporate debtor shall furnish all information relating to the corporate debtor available with them to the resolution professional, as and when required by him.

(5) The personnel of the corporate debtor, its promoters and any other person associated with the management of the corporate debtor shall extend all assistance and cooperation to the resolution professional as may be required by him to perform his duties and exercise his powers, and for such purposes, the provisions of sub-sections (2) and (3) of section 19 shall, mutatis mutandis apply, in relation to the proceedings under this Chapter.

(6) The fees of the resolution professional and any expenses incurred by him for conducting the prepackaged insolvency resolution process shall be determined in such manner as may be specified:

Provided that the committee of creditors may impose limits and conditions on such fees and expenses:

Provided further that the fees and expenses for the period prior to the constitution of the committee of creditors shall be subject to ratification by it.

(7) The fees and expenses referred to in sub-section (6) shall be borne in such manner as may be specified.

1. Inserted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Act, 2021 notification dated 11.08.2021, effective from 04.04.2021. The Ordinance dated 04.04.2021 stands repealed. To view the notification, Click Here
2. Inserted vide The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 dated 04.04.2021. To view the notification, Click Here
Refer regulation 10 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process) Regulations, 2021. To view the regulation,Click Here

2.18.10. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process) Regulations, 2021

The resolution professional may appoint a professional under clause (e) of sub-section (3) of section 54F:

Provided that the following persons shall not be appointed as a professional, namely:-

(a) a person who is not registered with the regulator of the profession concerned;

(b) a related party of the corporate debtor;

(c) an auditor of the corporate debtor at any time during the five years preceding the pre packaged insolvency commencement date;

(d) a partner or director of the insolvency professional entity of which the resolution professional is a partner or director; or

(e) a relative of the resolution professional or of a partner or director of the insolvency professional entity of which the resolution professional is a partner or director.

Inserted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process) Regulations, 2021 dated 09.04.2021. To view the notification, Click Here.

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Act, 2021 notification dated 11.08.2021

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 dated 04.04.2021

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