valid as on 21/10/2024

Section 378L - Vesting of undertaking in Producer Company
Notified w.e.f. 11.02.2021

(1) All properties and assets, movable and immovable, of, or belonging to, the inter-State co-operative society as on the date of transformation, shall vest in the Producer Company.

(2) All the rights, debts, liabilities, interests, privileges and obligations of the inter-State co-operative society as on the date of transformation shall stand transferred to, and be the rights, debts, liabilities, interests, privileges and obligations of, the Producer Company.

(3) Without prejudice to the provisions contained in sub-section (2), all debts, liabilities and obligations incurred, all contracts entered into and all matters and things engaged to be done by, with or for, the society as on the date of transformation for or in connection with their purposes, shall be deemed to have been incurred, entered into, or engaged to be done by, with or for, the Producer Company.

(4) All sums of money due to the inter-State co-operative society immediately before the date of transformation, shall be deemed to be due to the Producer Company.

(5) Every organisation, which was being managed immediately before the date of transformation by the inter-State co-operative society shall be managed by the Producer Company for such period, to such extent and in such manner as the circumstances may require.

(6) Every organisation which was getting financial, managerial or technical assistance from the inter-State co-operative society, immediately before the date of transformation, may continue to be given financial, managerial or technical assistance, as the case may be, by the Producer Company, for such period, to such extent and in such manner as that company may deem fit.

(7) The amount representing the capital of the erstwhile inter-State co-operative society shall form part of the capital of the Producer Company.

(8) Any reference to the inter-State co-operative society in any law other than this Act or in any contract or other instrument, shall be deemed to be reference to the Producer Company.

(9) If, on the date of transformation, there is pending any suit, arbitration, appeal or other legal proceeding of whatever nature by or against the inter-State co-operative society, the same shall not abate, be discontinued or be in any way prejudicially affected by reason of the incorporation of the Producer Company under section 378C or transformation of the inter-State co-operative society as a Producer Company under section 378J, as the case may be, but the suit, arbitration, appeal or other proceeding, may be continued, prosecuted and enforced by or against the Producer Company in the same manner and to the same extent as it would have, or may have been continued, prosecuted and enforced by or against the inter-State co-operative society as if the provisions contained in this Chapter had not come into force.

Commencement Notification S.O. 644(E). dated 11.02.2021

Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020 dated 28.09.2020

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