valid as on 24/10/2024

IBC Section 138-Discharge order.
W.e.f., 01.12.2019

(1) The bankruptcy trustee to the Adjudicating Authority for a discharge order—

(a) on the expiry of one year from the bankruptcy commencement date; or

(b) within seven days of the approval of the committee of creditors of the completion of administration of the estates of the bankrupt under section 137, where such approval is obtained prior to the period mentioned in clause (a).

(2) The Adjudicating Authority shall pass a discharge order on an application by the bankruptcy trustee under sub-section (1).

(3) A copy of the discharge order shall be provided to the Board for the purpose of recording an entry in the register referred to in section 196.

Refer Regulation 11 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Bankruptcy Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Regulations, 2019. To view the regulation, Click Here

2.17.11. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Bankruptcy Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Regulations, 2019

11. Final report.

(1) The final report shall contain an account of the completion of the administration and distribution of the estate of the bankrupt, including –

(a) manner of realisation of the assets of the bankrupt;

(b) manner of distribution of the dividends amongst the creditors;

 (c) details regarding the discharge of the bankrupt;

(d) unclaimed dividend, if any;

(e) surplus dividend, if any; and

(f) if the bankruptcy process cost exceeds the estimated cost provided in the preliminary report, along with reasons for the same.

(2) The bankruptcy trustee shall file the final report with the Adjudicating Authority along with the application under sub-section (1) of section 138.

Enforcement Notification under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code dated 15.11.2019 w.e.f., 01.12.2019

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