27.3.89 National Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016

89. Preparation and publication of daily cause list.—

(1) The Registry shall prepare and publish on the notice board of the Registry before the closing of working hours on each working day the cause list for the next working day and subject to the directions of the President, listing of cases in the daily cause list shall be in the following order of priority, unless otherwise ordered by the concerned Bench; namely;-

(a) cases for pronouncement of orders;

(b) cases for clarification;

(c) cases for admission;

(d) cases for orders or directions;

(e) part-heard cases, latest part-heard having precedence; and

(f) cases posted as per numerical order or as directed by the Bench;

(2) The title of the daily cause list shall consist of the number of the appeal or petition, the day, date and time of the court sitting, court hall number and the coram indicating the names of the President, Judicial Member and Technical Member constituting the Bench.

(3) Against the number of each case listed in the daily cause list, the following shall be shown, namely;-

(a) names of the legal practitioners appearing for both sides and setting out in brackets the rank of the parties whom they represent;

(b) names of the parties, if unrepresented, with their ranks in brackets.

(4) The objections and special directions, if any, of the Registry shall be briefly indicated in the daily cause list in remarks column, whenever compliance is required.