valid as on 12/03/2025

20.1.86- Companies (Winding Up) Rules, 2020

86. Investment of surplus funds.- (1) All such money for the time being standing to the credit of the Company Liquidator at the bank as is not immediately required for the purposes of winding up, shall be invested in Government securities or in interest bearing deposits in any scheduled bank in the name of the company in liquidation or provisional liquidation represented by Company Liquidator of the company to which the funds belong and such funds so invested shall be monitored regularly by the Company Liquidator and the returns also containing the details of fixed deposit receipts shall be submitted to the Tribunal.

(2) Where the fixed deposit has matured, it shall not be automatically renewed but the Company Liquidator shall carry out the due diligence to assess whether a higher rate of interest is available in any other scheduled bank and the said Liquidator shall report the conclusion of such due diligence to the Tribunal, and in the event a higher rate of interest is available in any other scheduled bank, the said Liquidator shall apply for the leave of the Tribunal to invest the surplus funds in such other scheduled bank offering higher rate of interest.

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