valid as on 02/03/2025

3.1.8-Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules,2014

8. Offer of Sale by Members.—

(1) The provisions of Part I of Chapter III namely “Prospectus and Allotment of Securities” and rules made there under shall be applicable to an offer of sale referred to in section 28 except for the following, namely:-

(a) the provisions relating to minimum subscription;

(b) the provisions for minimum application value;

(c) the provisions requiring any statement to be made by the Board of directors in respect of the utilization of money; and

(d) any other provision or information which cannot be compiled or gathered by the offeror, with detailed justifications for not being able to comply with such provisions.

(2) The prospectus issued under section 28 shall disclose the name of the person or persons or entity bearing the cost of making the offer of sale along with reasons.

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