valid as on 12/03/2025

3.1.7-Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules,2014

7. Variation in terms of contracts referred to in the prospectus or objects for which prospectus was issued.—

(1) where the company has raised money from public through prospectus and has any unutilized amount out of the money so raised, it shall not vary the terms of contracts referred to in the prospectus or objects for which the prospectus was issued except by passing a special resolution through postal ballot and the notice of the proposed special resolution shall contain the following particulars, namely:—

(a) the original purpose or object of the Issue;

(b) the total money raised;

(c) the money utilised for the objects of the company stated in the prospectus;

(d) the extent of achievement of proposed objects(that is fifty percent, sixty percent, etc);

(e) the unutilised amount out of the money so raised through prospectus,

(f) the particulars of the proposed variation in the terms of contracts referred to in the prospectus or objects for which prospectus was issued;

(g) the reason and justification for seeking variation;

(h) the proposed time limit within which the proposed varied objects would be achieved;

(i) the clause-wise details as specified in sub-rule (3) of rule 3 as was required with respect to the originally proposed objects of the issue;

(j) the risk factors pertaining to the new objects; and

(k) the other relevant information which is necessary for the members to take an informed decision on the proposed resolution.

(2) The advertisement of the notice for getting the resolution passed for varying the terms of any contract referred to in the prospectus or altering the objects for which the prospectus was issued, shall be in  and such advertisement shall be published simultaneously with dispatch of Postal Ballot Notices to Shareholders.

(3) The notice shall also be placed on the web-site of the company, if any.

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Form PAS-1 Advertisement giving details of notice of special resolution for varying the terms of any contract referred to in the prospectus or altering the objects for which the prospectus was issued

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