valid as on 12/03/2025

27.3.50 National Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016

50. Registry to send certified copy.- The Registry shall send a certified copy of final order passed to the parties concerned free of cost and the certified copies may be made available with cost as per Schedule of fees, in all other cases.

S.No.Section of the Companies
Act, 2013
Nature of application / petition Fees
1.Sec. 2 (41) Application for change in financial year 5,000/-
2.Sec. 7 (7) Application to Tribunal where company h
as been
incorporated by furnishing false or incorrect info
or by any fraudulent action.
3.Sec. 14 (1) Conversion of public company into a private company. 5,000/-
4.Sec. 55 (3) Application for issue further redeemable preference shares. 5,000/-
5.Sec. 58 (3) Appeal against refusal of registration of shares. 1,000/-
6.Sec. 59Appeal for rectification of register of member. 1,000/-
7.Sec. 62 (4)Appeal against order of Govt. fixing terms and conditions for conversion of debentures and shares. 5,000/-
8.Sec. 71 (9)Petition by Debenture-trustees. 2,000/-
9.Sec. 71 (10)Application in the event of failure of redeeming of
10.Sec. 73 (4) Application by deposition (substituted vide NCLT Amendment Rules,2016) depositor for repayment of deposit or interest. 500/-
11.Sec. 74 (2) Application to allow further time as considered reasonable to the company to repay deposits. 5,000/-
12.Sec. 97 (1)Application for calling of Annual General meeting. 1,000/-
13.Sec. 98 (1) Application for calling of general meeting of company other
than annual general meeting
14.Sec. 119 (4) Petition to pass an order directing i
mmediate inspection of
minute’s books or directing a copy thereof be sent forthwith to person requiring it.
15.Sec. 130 (1)Application for re-opening of books o
f account, if made by
any person other than Central Government, Income Ta
authorities, SEBI or any other statutory regulatory
body or authority.
16.Sec. 131 (1)Application by company for voluntary
revision of financial
statement on Board’s report.
17.Sec. 140 (4)Application for not sending the copy
of representation of
auditor to the members.
18.Sec. 140 (5) Application by any other person concerned for change of auditors. 2,000/-
19.Sec. 169 (4) Application for not sending copies of representation 1,000/-
20.Sec. 213 Application to Tribunal for investigation into company
21.Sec. 218 (1)Application for approval for action proposed against employee. 1,000/-
22.Sec. 222 (1)Application for imposition of restrictions on securities. 2,500/-
22A. (Inserted vide NCLT Amendment Rules,2020 dated 03.02.2020)Sec 230(12) Application in cases of takeover
offer of companies which are not
23.Sec. 241 (1)Application in cases of oppression and mismanagement. 10,000/-
24.Sec. 242 (4)Application for regulating the conduct of company. 2,500/-
25.Sec. 243 (1) (b) Application for appointment as Managing Director 5,000/-
26.Sec. 244 (1)Application for waiver of requirement specified in clause (a) or (b) of Sec. 244(1) 2,500/-
27.Sec 245Class action suits5000/-
28.Sec. 441 (Omitted vide NCLT (Second Amendment) Rules, 2019)Application for compounding of certain offences. (Omitted vide NCLT (Second Amendment) Rules, 2019)1,000/- (Omitted vide NCLT (Second Amendment) Rules, 2019)
29.Section 421Appeals to NCLAT 5,000/-
30.Application under any other provisions specifically not mentioned herein above 1,000/-
31Fee for obtaining certified true copy of final order passed to parties other than the concerned parties under Rule 50 5/- per page.

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