valid as on 12/03/2025

27.4.48 National Company Law Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2016.

48. Issue of notice.- (1) Where notice of an appeal or petition or interlocutory application is issued by the Appellate Tribunal, copies of the same, the affidavit in support thereof and if so ordered by the Appellate Tribunal the copy of other documents filed therewith, if any, shall be served along with the notice on the other side.

(2) The copies of the documents referred to sub-rule (1) shall show the date of presentation of the appeal or interlocutory application and the name of the authorised representative, if any, of such party with his full address for service and the interim order, if any, made thereon.

(3) The Appellate Tribunal may order for issuing notice in appropriate cases and also permit the party concerned for service of said notice on the other side by Dasti and in such case, deliver the notice to such party and it is for such party to file affidavit of service with proof.

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