valid as on 16/02/2025

20.1.45- Companies (Winding Up) Rules, 2020

45. Notice of meeting.- (1) The Company Liquidator shall summon meetings of creditors and contributories by giving not less than fourteen days’ notice by sending individually to every creditor of the company a notice of the meeting of creditors, and to every contributory of the company a notice of the meeting of contributories, by sending notice by registered post or speed post or by electronic means so as to reach such person in not less than fourteen days before the date fixed for the meeting:

Provided that where the number of creditors or contributories, as the case may be, exceeds five hundred, the Company Liquidator shall also give a fourteen days’ notice of the time and place appointed for the meeting by advertisement in one daily newspaper in the English language and one daily newspaper in the principal regional language circulating in the State or Union territory concerned.

(2) The notice to each creditor shall be sent to the address given in his proof as referred to in rule 101 or, if he has not so proved, to the address given in the statement of affairs, or, to the address given in the books of the company, or to such other address as may be known to the person summoning the meeting, and the notice to each contributory shall be sent  to the address mentioned in the books of the company as the address of such contributory or to such other address as may be known to the person summoning the meeting.

(3) The notices shall be in Forms WIN 25 to 29 as may be applicable.

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