valid as on 02/03/2025

24.1.4-Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014

4. Registration offices.-
(1) The Central Government shall establish such number of offices at such places as it thinks fit, specifying their jurisdiction for the purpose of exercising such powers and discharge of such functions as are conferred on the Central Government by or under this Act or under the rules made there under and for the purposes of registration of companies under the Act.
(2) The office of the Registrar shall observe such normal working hours as may be approved by the Central Government and shall be open for the transaction of business with the public on all days except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays during working hours between 10.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.
(3) The offices other than the office of the Registrar shall observe such normal working hours as may be approved by the Central Government.

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