valid as on 10/03/2025

20.1.31- Companies (Winding Up) Rules, 2020

31. Notice of settlement to contributories.- (1) Upon the receipt of the settled list of contributories, as certified by the Tribunal in terms of rule 30, the Company Liquidator shall within a period of 7 days issue notice to every person placed on the said list of contributories, stating in what  character and for what number of shares or interest he has been placed on the said list, what amount has been called up and what amount paid up in respect of such shares or interest and in the notice he shall inform such person that any application for the removal of his name from the aforesaid list or for a variation of the said list, must be made to the Tribunal within fifteen days from the date of service on the contributory of such notice, and such notice shall be in Form WIN 21 and shall be sent to each person settled on the said list by pre-paid registered post or speed post at the address mentioned in the said list.

(2) An affidavit of service relating to the dispatch of the notice to the contributories under this rule shall be sworn by the person who dispatched the said notice and shall be filed in Tribunal within seven days of the said dispatch of notice and such affidavit shall be in Form WIN 22.

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