valid as on 02/03/2025

28.1.3: The Companies (Mediation and Conciliation) Rules, 2016

3. Panel of Mediators or Conciliators

(1) willing and eligible to be appointed as mediators or conciliators in the respective regions and such panels shall be placed on the website of Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any other website as may be notified by the Central Government.

(2) The Regional Director may invite applications from persons interested in getting empanelled as mediator or conciliator and possessing the requisite qualifications specified in Rule 4.

(3) A person who intends to get empanelled as mediator or conciliators and possess the requisite qualifications shall apply to the Regional director in

(4) Application received under sub-rule(3), if rejected by the Regional Director, the Regional Director shall record the reasons in writing for the same.

(5) The Regional director shall invite applications from  persons interested in getting empanelled as mediator or conciliator every year during the month of February and update the panel which shall be effective from 1st of April of every year.

Provided that for financial year 2016-17, the Regional Director shall call for applications from persons interested in getting empanelled as mediator or conciliator within 60 days of the date of publication of these rules and prepare the panel for current financial year within period of 30 years.

empowered vide notice date 22.09.2016.To view the notice,Click Here
To view the form,Click Here

Notice for Inviting applications for Empanelling experts as Mediators or Conciliators


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