valid as on 11/03/2025

27.4.22 National Company Law Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2016.

22. Presentation of appeal.- (1) Every appeal shall be presented in   in triplicate by the appellant or petitioner or applicant or respondent, as the case may be, in person or by his duly authorised representative duly appointed in this behalf in the prescribed form with stipulated fee at the filing counter and non-compliance of this may constitute a valid ground to refuse to entertain the same.

(2) Every appeal shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the impugned order.

(3) All documents filed in the Appellate Tribunal shall be accompanied by an index in triplicate containing their details and the amount of fee paid thereon.

(4) Sufficient number of copies of the appeal or petition or application shall also be filed for service on the opposite party as prescribed.

(5) In the pending matters, all other applications shall be presented after serving copies thereof in advance on the opposite side or his or authorised representative.

(6) The processing fee prescribed by the rules, with required number of envelopes of sufficient size and notice forms as prescribed shall be filled along with memorandum of appeal.

To view the return,Click Here
Refer the the Guidelines for Empanelment of Advocates by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India. To view the Guidelines, Click Here

The Guidelines for Empanelment of Advocates by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India dated 01.11.2018

Form NCLAT 1

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