valid as on 06/02/2025

20.1.22- Companies (Winding Up) Rules, 2020

22. Company Liquidator to take charge of assets and books and papers of company.- (1) On a winding up order being made, the Company Liquidator shall, forthwith take into his custody or under his control all the properties and effects, actionable claims and the books and papers of the company, and it shall be the duty of all persons having custody of any of the properties, books and papers, cash or any other assets of the company, to deliver possession thereof to the Company Liquidator.

(2) Where the company, its promoters, its key managerial personnel or any other person required to cooperate with the liquidator does not so cooperate, the liquidator may make an application to the Tribunal for an appropriate order.

(3) The Tribunal, on receiving an application under sub-rule (2), shall by an order, direct such promoters, key managerial personnel or other person (including contractual counter party, supplier, service provider or auditor) –

(a) to provide the information requested by the liquidator; and

(b) to comply with the instructions of the liquidator and to cooperate with him in collection of information and taking custody of the assets, properties and books of accounts.

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