valid as on 02/03/2025

28.1.21: The Companies (Mediation and Conciliation) Rules, 2016

21. Confidentiality, disclosure and inadmissibility of information

(1) When a mediator or conciliator receives factual information concerning the dispute from any party, he shall disclose the substance of that information to the other party, so that the other party may have an opportunity to present such explanation as it may consider appropriate:

Provided that when a party gives information to the mediator or conciliator subject to a specific condition that the information may be kept confidential, the mediator or conciliator shall not disclose that information to the other party.

(2) The receipt or perusal, or preparation of records, reports or other documents by the mediator or conciliator, while serving in that capacity shall be confidential and the mediator or conciliator shall not be compelled to divulge information regarding those documents nor as to what transpired during the mediation or conciliation before the Central Government or the Tribunal or the Appellate tribunal or as the case may be, or any other authority or any person or group of persons.

(3) The parties shall maintain confidentiality in respect of events that transpired during the mediation and conciliation and shall not rely on or introduce the said information in other proceedings as to-

(i) views expressed by a party in the course of the mediation or conciliation proceedings;

(ii) documents obtained during the mediation or conciliation which were expressly required to be treated as confidential or other notes, drafts or information given by the parties or the mediator or conciliator.

(iii) proposals made or views expressed by the mediator or conciliator;

(iv) admission made by a party in the course of mediation or conciliation proceedings.

(4) There shall be no audio or video recording of the mediation or conciliation proceedings.

(5) No statement of parties or the witnesses shall be recorded by the mediator or conciliator.

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