valid as on 12/03/2025

27.4.19 National Company Law Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2016.

19. Procedure for proceedings. -(1) Every appeal to the Appellate Tribunal shall be in English and in case it is in some other Indian language, it shall be accompanied by a copy translated in English and shall be fairly and legibly type-written or printed in double spacing on one side of standard paper with an inner margin of about four centimeters width on top and with a right margin of 2.5 cm, and left margin of 5 cm, duly paginated, indexed and stitched together in paper book form.

(2) The cause title shall state “In the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal” and also set out the proceedings or order of the authority against which it is preferred.

(3) Appeal shall be divided into paragraphs and shall be numbered consecutively and each paragraph shall contain as nearly as may be, a separate fact or allegation or point.

(4) Where Saka or other dates are used, corresponding dates of Gregorian calendar shall also be given.

(5) Full name, parentage, description of each party and address and in case a party sue or being sued in a representative character, shall also be set out at the beginning of the appeal and need not be repeated in the subsequent proceedings in the same appeal.

(6) The names of parties shall be numbered consecutively and a separate line should be allotted to the name and description of each party and these numbers shall not be changed and in the event of the death of a party during the pendency of the appeal, his legal heirs or representative, as the case may be, if more than one shall be shown by subnumbers.

(7) Where fresh parties are brought in, they may be numbered consecutively in the particular category, in which they are brought in.

(8) Every proceeding shall state immediately after the cause title and the provision of law under which it is preferred.

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