valid as on 12/03/2025

20.1.147- Companies (Winding Up) Rules, 2020

147. Procedure for contumacy.- (1) If a person examined before the person or authority appointed by the Tribunal refuses to answer to the satisfaction of such the person or authority any question which he may put or allow to be put, such the person or authority shall forthwith report such refusal to the Tribunal and upon such report being made, the person in default shall be in the same position and be dealt with in the same manner as if he had made default in answering before the Tribunal.
(2) The report shall be in writing and shall set forth the question or questions put and the answer or answers given, if any, by the person examined, and the person or authority shall notify the person examined of the date when he should attend before the Tribunal, and the report shall be in Form WIN 67 and upon receiving the report, the Tribunal may take such action thereon as it may think fit.

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