valid as on 06/03/2025

27.3.143 National Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016

143. Witness allowance payable.-

(1) Where the Tribunal issues summons to a Government servant to give evidence or to produce documents, the person so summoned may draw from the Government travelling and daily allowances admissible to him as per rules.

(2) Where there is no provision for payment of Travelling Allowances and Daily Allowance by the employer to the person summoned to give evidence or to produce documents, he shall be entitled to be paid as allowance, (a sum in the opinion of the Registrar sufficient to defray the travelling and other expenses), having regard to the status and position of the witness.

(3) The party applying for the summons shall deposit with the Registrar the amount of allowance as estimated by the Registrar well before the summons is issued.

(4) If the witness is summoned as a court witness, the amount estimated by the Registrar shall be paid as per the directions of the Tribunal.

(5) The aforesaid provisions would govern the payment of batta to the interpreter as well.

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