valid as on 12/03/2025

20.1.111- Companies (Winding Up) Rules, 2020

111. Examination of proof.- The Company Liquidator shall, as soon as possible but not later than thirty days or within such time as may be allowed by the Tribunal on an application by the liquidator, examine every proof of debt lodged with him and the grounds of the debt and he may call for the production of the documentary proof if any referred to in the affidavit of proof or require further evidence in support of the debt, and if he requires further evidence, or requires that the creditor should attend the investigation in person, he shall fix a day and time at which the creditor is required to attend or to produce further evidence and send a notice to such creditor in Form WIN 46 by pre-paid registered post or speed post so as to reach him not later than seven days before the date fixed.

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