valid as on 11/03/2025

Regulation 23 - Continuous Listing Conditions
Effective from 06-06-2008

(1) All the issuers making public issues of debt securities or seeking listing of debt securities issued on private placement basis shall comply with the conditions of
listing specified in the respective listing agreement for debt securities.

(2) Every rating obtained by an issuer shall be periodically reviewed by the registered credit rating agency and any revision in the rating shall be promptly disclosed by the
issuer to the stock exchange(s) where the debt securities are listed.

(3) Any change in rating shall be promptly disseminated to investors and prospective investors in such manner as the stock exchange where such securities are listed may
determine from time to time.

(4) The issuer, the respective debenture trustees and stock exchanges shall disseminate all information and reports on debt securities including compliance reports filed by the issuers and the debenture trustees regarding the debt securities to the investors and the general public by placing them on their websites.

(5) Debenture trustee shall disclose the information to the investors and the general public by issuing a press release in any of the following events:

(a) default by issuer to pay interest on debt securities or redemption amount;

(b) failure to create a charge on the assets;

(c) revision of rating assigned to the debt securities.

(6) The information referred to in sub-regulation (5) shall also be placed on the websites, if any, of the debenture trustee, the issuer and the stock exchanges.

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