valid as on 04/02/2025


Companies Act Integrated Ready Reckoner 

How CAIRR works

  1. If you know the Section number you want to refer to, please use View the Section,

or else

  1. Search with a keyword, in the Companies Act, 2013 or the entire CAIRR site
  2. On clicking search, a new browser page will display all Sections of the Act containing the keyword, with its first few lines
  3. Click on the desired Section to see the full section text, with all its associated Rules, Registers, Returns, Schedules, Notifications, Clarifications and Orders displayed in a new page
  4. While reading a Section text, Rule or Schedule, any amendment, notification, or clarification to that text is hyperlinked to its source document for ready reference
  5. For initiating a new search, please click Home

Tips for efficient Search in CAIRR

  • You can use keywords like CSR, Sweat equity, ESOP, Auditor’s Report, Public deposit, Related Party Transactions, etc. to search

In using keywords, avoid using common words like ‘and, of, for, at, Company, Director’, to ensure shorter and more appropriate search results

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