valid as on 09/02/2025

Regulation 5G. Designated Person
Effective date 01.11.2024

5G. (1)The board of directors of the asset management company and trustees shall in consultation with the compliance officer specify the Designated Persons to be covered by the code of conduct on the basis of their role and function in the organisation and the access that such role and function would provide to unpublished price sensitive information in addition to seniority and professional designation and shall include:

i. Head of the asset management company (designated as Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director/President or by any other name),
ii. Directors of the asset management company or the trustee company,
iii. Chief Investment Officer, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Operation Officer, Chief Information Security Officer, Fund Managers, Dealers, Research Analysts, all employees in the Fund Operations Department, Compliance Officer and Heads of all divisions and/or departments or any other employee as designated by the asset management company and/or trustees.

Explanation : Non-Executive Directors of the asset management company/trustee company or trustees who are in possession of / have access to any “unpublished price sensitive information”, shall also be deemed to be Designated Persons.

(2) Every other Intermediary and other persons shall in consultation with the compliance officer specify the Designated Persons to be covered by the code of conduct on the basis of their role and function in the organisation and the access that such role and function would provide to unpublished price sensitive information in addition to seniority and professional designation.

Inserted vide the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 dated 24.11.2022 effective from 01.11.2024. To view the Notification, Click here.  To view the commencement Notification dated 25.07.2024, Click Here. 

Commencement Notification for SEBI PIT (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 dated 25.07.2024 w.e.f. 01.11.2024

SEBI Notification dated 24.11.2022 regarding SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022.

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