valid as on 02/03/2025

Section 44.Nature of shares or debentures.
Effective from 12-09-2013

The or  or other interest of any  in a shall be movable property transferable in the manner provided by the  of the company.

2(84) Share means a share in the share capital of a company and includes stock
2(30) Debenture, includes debenture stock, bonds or any other instrument of a company evidencing a debt, whether constituting a charge on the assets of the company or not

Provided that— (a) the instruments referred to in Chapter III-D of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934; and

(b) such other instrument, as may be prescribed by the Central Government in consultation with Reserve Bank of India, issued by a company,

shall not be treated as debenture;

2(55) Member, in relation to a company, means—

(i) the subscriber to the memorandum of the company who shall be deemed to have agreed to become member of the company, and on its registration, shall be entered as member in its register of members;

(ii) every other person who agrees in writing to become a member of the company and whose name is entered in the register of members of the company;

(iii) every person holding shares of the company and whose name is entered as a beneficial owner in the records of a depository

Company means a company incorporated under this Act or under any previous company law
Articles means the articles of association of a company as originally framed or as altered from time to time or applied in pursuance of any previous company law or of this Act

Enforcement notification S.O.2754 (E) dated 12/09/2013

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