valid as on 12/03/2025

(Cost Records and Audit) Amendment Rules,2014

21.2-Authorised to Registered

  1. Obligation of companies seeking registration to make publication.- (1) For the purpose of clause (b) of section 374 of the Act, every ‘company’ seeking registration under the provision of Part I of Chapter XXI shall publish an advertisement about registration under the said Part, seeking objections, if any within twenty one clear days from the date of publication of notice and the said advertisement shall be in Form No.URC. 2, which shall be published in a newspaper and in English and in the principal vernacular language of the district in which Limited Liability Partnership is in existence and circulated in that district.

(2) A copy of the notice, as published and the copy of the notice served on Registrar (LLP) along with proof of service, shall be attached with Form No.URC. 1.

(3) The Registrar shall, after considering the application and the objections, if any, received by him within thirty days from the date of publication of advertisement, and after ensuring that the company has addressed the objections, suitably decide whether the registration should or should not be granted.

(4) If the Registrar is satisfied on the basis of documents and information filed by the applicants, decides that the applicant should be registered, he shall issue a certificate of incorporation in Form No.INC.11.

21.5-Authorised to Registered

  1. 5. Other obligations of companies seeking registration.-For the purpose of clause (d) of section 374 of the Act,—

(i) where a Limited Liability Partnership has obtained a certificate of registration under section 367, an intimation to this effect shall be given, within fifteen days of such registration to the concerned Registrar (LLP) under which it was originally registered, along with necessary documents or papers for its dissolution as Limited Liability Partnership;

(ii) statement of accounts, prepared not later than fifteen days preceding the date of seeking registration and certified by the Auditor together with the Audited Financial Statements of the previous year, wherever applicable shall be attached with Form No.URC. 1:

Provided that if the assets of the existing company during the immediately preceding three years are revalued for the purpose of vesting of its assets with the company to be incorporated under this Act, the surplus arising out of such revaluation shall not be deemed to have been credited to the capital account or current account of partners.

(iii) notice shall be given to the concerned Registrar (LLP) under which it was originally registered and shall require that objections, if any to be made by such concerned Registrar of Companies (LLP) to the Registrar, shall be made within a period of twenty-one days from the date of such notice, failing which it shall be presumed that they have no objection and the notice shall disclose the purpose and substance of matters in relation to objections;

(iv) in case of the registration of Limited Liability Partnership into a company under these rules, a declaration by the said Limited Liability Partnership that it has filed all documents which are required to be filed under the Liability Partnership Act with the Registrar (LLP) and the declaration shall be attached with Form No. URC. 1;

(v) a statement of proceedings, if any, by or against the Limited Liability Partnership which are pending in any court or any other Authority shall be attached with Form No. URC. 1.

[(SO 990 E) Companies (Auditors Report ) Order,2015] Suppressed by Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016

Companies (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2016 [S.O. 1226 (E)] dated 29/03/2016

Companies (Removal of Difficulties) Second Order, 2016 [S.O. 1227 (E)] dated 29/03/2016

Amendment to schedule III notification dated 06/04/2016

Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2015 dated 28/08/2015

General Circular 01/2016 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with regard to Corporate Social Responsibility under Section 135 of Companies Act,2013

General Circular 04/2016

General Circular 05/2016

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