[See rule 11 (4)]
1. Outdoor Medical expenses.—(1) Officers and employees shall be eligible to get medical reimbursement for self and declared members of family.
Explanation.– For the purpose of this clause, the expression ―family‖ has the same meaning as assigned to it in the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944.
(2) The reimbursement of outdoor medical expenses during the year shall be limited to the actual expenses or one month’s pay on the 1st January of the year (Basic pay plus Dearness Allowance) whichever is less.
(3) The claim should be supported by doctor’s prescription and the original cash memos or bills for treatment by the doctor and purchase of medicines and the release of increment or promotion during the year shall not affect the reimbursement limit as on the 1st January.
(4) For the officers and employees joining during the year, the annual entitlement shall be restricted on pro-rata basis.
(5) The outdoor treatment shall be taken from the authorised medical attendants from the panel to be maintained by the Appellate Tribunal.
2. Indoor treatment.-
(1) For the purpose of indoor treatment, the officers and employees of the Appellate Tribunal shall be entitled for medical treatment at hospitals authorised by the Appellate Appellate Tribunal in this behalf, and for this purpose, the cost of treatment including hospital accommodation, nursing home facility shall be as per the provisions of the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 as applicable to the Central Government employees drawing equivalent pay.
(2) The authorised hospitals for the purpose of clause (1) above shall be the same as are available to the Central Government employees regulated by Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944.
(3) Treatment at authorised hospitals may be taken on the advice of the authorised medical attendants only in emergency.