1.8.8 The Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudicating Authority for Insolvency Resolution Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Rules, 2019

8. Confirmation or nomination of insolvency professional.―

(1) For the purposes of sub-section (2) of section 97 and sub-section (5) of section 98, the Board may share the database of the insolvency professionals, including information about disciplinary proceedings against them, with the Adjudicating Authority from time to time.

(2) For the purposes of sub-section (4) of section 97 and sub-section (3) of section 98, , who may be appointed as resolution professionals, with the Adjudicating Authority.

  1. Refer Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) Guidelines, 2023 dated 05.06.2023. To view the guidelines, Click Here.
  2. Refer Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) (Second) Guidelines, 2022 dated 12.12.2022 w.e.f. 01.01.2023. To view the Guidelines, Click here.
  3. Refer Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) Guidelines, 2022 dated 08.06.2022. To view the guidelines, Click Here
  4. Refer Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) (Second) Guidelines, 2021 dated 01.12.2021. To view the guidelines, Click Here
  5. Refer Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) Guidelines, 2021 dated 01.06.2021. To view the guidelines, Click Here
  6. Refer Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) (Second) Guidelines, 2020 dated 23.11.2020. To view the guidelines, Click Here
  7. Refer Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) Guidelines, 2020 dated 02.06.2020 w.e.f. 01.07.2020. To view the Guidelines, Click Here
  8. Refer Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) (Second) Guidelines, 2020 dated 23.11.2020. To view the guidelines, Click Here