- Government Companies can hold Annual general meeting at a place other than the registered office including places within the city, town or village in which the registered office of the company is situateonly after the Central Government approves it.
- Directors retirement by rotation shall not apply to a Government Company if it is:
- Unlisted Company, and
- Central or State Government hold more than 51% stake, or
- Is a subsidiary of a Government Company which fulfils the above 2 mentioned points
Prior to the notification this exemption was given to companies where it was fully owned by either Central or State Government or was a subsidiary of a fully owned government company
- For Merger and Amalgamation of Government companies the power to approve the scheme has been transferred from the Tribunal to the Central Government.
- All exemptions provided to a Government Company stands withdrawn if they fail to file their financial statements or Annual returns with the Registrar
Click here to view the notification https://ca2013.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ExemptionGovernmentCompanies_14062017.pdf