valid as on 05/03/2025

9.5.3 – The National Financial Reporting Authority (Manner of Appointment and other Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2018

3. Composition of Authority.-

(1) The Authority shall consist of the following persons to be appointed by the Central  Government, namely:-

(a) a chairperson;
(b) three full time members; and
(c) nine part time members.

(2) The chairperson shall be a person of eminence, ability, integrity and standing and having expertise and experience of not less than twenty-five years in the field of accountancy, auditing, finance or law.

(3) A full-time member shall be a person of ability, integrity and standing and having expertise and experience of not less than twenty years in the field of accountancy, auditing, finance or law.

(4) The chairperson and all members, before being appointed, shall submit a declaration to the Central Government confirming that they have no conflict of interest or lack of independence in respect of such appointment as chairperson or members in  annexed to these rules, failing which their appointment shall not be considered.

(5) The chairperson and full-time members, shall not be associated with any audit firm including related consultancy firms during the course of their appointment and two years after ceasing to hold such appointment.

(6) A part-time member shall be a person who shall not, have any such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as a part-time member.

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Form 1 dated 21.03.2018

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