valid as on 21/10/2024

2.17.8. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Bankruptcy Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Regulations, 2019

8. Preliminary report.

(1) The bankruptcy trustee shall submit a preliminary report to the Adjudicating Authority and the committee within ninety days of the bankruptcy commencement date.

(2) The bankruptcy trustee shall send a copy of the preliminary report to the bankrupt at the time of submission of the report.

(3) The preliminary report shall include the following details-

(a) a list of the assets and liabilities of the bankrupt as on the bankruptcy commencement date based on the books of the bankrupt:

Provided that if the bankruptcy trustee has reasons to believe, to be recorded in writing, that the books of the bankrupt are not reliable, he shall also provide such estimates based on reliable records and data otherwise available to him.

(b) the proposed plan of action in relation to administration of the estate, including the timeline in which it is proposed to be carried out and the estimated costs;

(c) any further inquiry to be made in respect of the assets, business or affairs of the bankrupt;

(d) details of the assets which are intended to be realised, including the following-

(i) value of the assets, valued in accordance with regulation 33;

(ii) intended manner of realisation of the assets and reasons thereof;

(iii) expected amount of realisation;

(iv) any other information that may be relevant for the realisation of the assets.

(e) details of the excluded assets and other assets under sub-section (2) of section 155.

(4) The preliminary report shall be confidential during the bankruptcy process, unless the Adjudicating Authority permits any person to access it subject to such terms and conditions, as it may consider appropriate.

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