valid as on 02/03/2025

21A.1.5-Producer Companies Rules, 2021

5. Investment of general reserves.-

A Producer Company shall make investments from and out of its general reserves in any one or in combination of the following, namely:-

(a) in approved securities, fixed deposits, units and bonds issued by the Central Government or State Governments or co-operative societies or scheduled bank; or

(b) in a co-operative bank, State co-operative bank, co-operative land development bank or Central co-operative bank; or

(c) with any other scheduled bank; or

(d) in any of the securities specified in section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (02 of 1882); or

(e) in the shares or securities of any other inter-State co-operative society or any co-operative society; or

(f) in the shares, securities or assets of public financial institutions specified under clause (72) of section 2 of the Act.

Producer Companies Rules, 2021 dated 11.02.2021

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