valid as on 02/03/2025

2.5.5:Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016

5. Reporting.

(1) The liquidator shall prepare and submit:

(a) a preliminary report;

(b) an asset memorandum;

(c) progress report(s);

(d) sale report(s);

(e) minutes of consultation with stakeholders; and

(f) the final report prior to dissolution to the Adjudicating Authority in the manner specified under these Regulations.

(2) The liquidator shall preserve a physical as well as an electronic copy of the reports and minutes referred to in sub-regulation (1) for eight years after the dissolution of the corporate debtor.

(3) Subject to other provisions of these Regulations, the liquidator shall make the reports and minutes referred to sub-regulation (1) available to a stakeholder in either electronic or physical form, on receipt of

(a) an application in writing;

(b) costs of making such reports and minutes available to it; and

(c) an undertaking from the stakeholder that it shall maintain confidentiality of such reports and minutes and shall not use these to cause an undue gain or undue loss to itself or any other person.

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