valid as on 20/01/2025

2.4.40:Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016.

40. Extension of the corporate insolvency resolution process period.

(1) The committee may instruct the resolution professional to make an application to the Adjudicating Authority under section 12 to extend the insolvency resolution process period.

(2) The resolution professional shall, on receiving an instruction from the committee under this Regulation, make an application to the Adjudicating Authority for such extension.

It is clarified that the resolution professional shall continue to discharge his responsibilities under the corporate insolvency resolution process, till theapplication for extension is decided by the Adjudicating Authority.

The following Table presents a model timeline of corporate insolvency resolution process on the assumption that the interim resolution professional is appointed on the date of commencement of the process and the time available is hundred and eighty days:

Section / RegulationDescription of ActivityNormLatest Timeline
Section 16(1) Commencement of CIRP and appointment of IRPT
Regulation 6(1) Public announcement inviting claimsWithin 3 Days of Appointment of IRPT+3
Section 15(1)(c) /
Regulations 6(2)(c) and 12 (1)
Submission of claimsFor 14 Days from Appointment of IRPT+14
Regulation 12(2)Submission of claims Up to 90th day of commencementT+90
Regulation 13(1)Verification of claims received under
regulation 12(1)
Within 7 days from the receipt of the claimT+21
Verification of claims received under
regulation 12(2)
Section 21(6A) (b) /
Regulation 16A
Application for appointment of ARWithin 2 days from verification of claims received under regulation 12(1)T+23
Regulation 17(1)Report certifying constitution of CoCT+23
Section 22(1) /
Regulation 19(2)
1st meeting of the CoCWithin 7 days of filing of the report certifying constitution of the CoC, but with five
days' notice.
Section 22(2) Resolution to appoint RP by the CoC In the first meeting of the CoCT+30
Section 16(5) Appointment of RP On approval by the AA……
Regulation 17(3) IRP performs the functions of RP till the
RP is appointed.
If RP is not appointed by 40th day of commencement T+40
Regulation 27 Appointment of valuerWithin 7 days of appointment of RP, but not later than 47th day of commencementT+47
Section 12(A) /
Regulation 30A
Submission of application for
withdrawal of application admitted
Before issue of EoIW
CoC to dispose of the application Within 7 days of its receipt or 7 days of constitution of CoC,
whichever is later.
Filing application of withdrawal, if
approved by CoC with 90% majority
voting, by RP to AA
Within 3 days of approval by CoCW+10
Regulation 35ARP to form an opinion on preferential
and other transactions
Within 57 days of the commencementT+75
RP to make a determination on
preferential and other transactions
Within 115 days of commencementT+115
RP to file applications to AA for
appropriate relief
Within 130 days of commencementT+130
Regulation 36 (1)Submission of IM to CoC Within 95 days of commencementT+95
Regulation 36APublish Form GWithin 60 days of commencement T+60
Invitation of EoIT+60
Submission of EoIAt least 15 days from issue of EoI (Assume 15 days)T+75
Provisional List of RAs by RPWithin 10 days from the last day of receipt of EoIT+85
Submission of objections to provisional
For 5 days from the date of provisional listT+90
Final List of RAs by RP Within 10 days of the receipt of objectionsT+100
Regulation 36B Issue of RFRP, including Evaluation Matrix and IMWithin 5 days of the issue of the final listT+105
Receipt of Resolution Plans At least 30 days from issue of RFRP (Assume 30 days)T+135
Regulation 39(4)Submission of CoC approved Resolution
Plan to AA
As soon as approved by the CoCT+165
Section 31(1) Approval of resolution plan by AAT+180
Section /
Description of ActivityNormLatest
Section 16(1)Commencement of CIRP and appointment of IRP….T
Regulation 6(1) Public announcement inviting claimsWithin 3 Days of Appointment of
Section 15(1)(c) /
Regulations 6(2)(c)

and 12 (1)
Submission of claimsFor 14 Days from Appointment of

Regulation 12(2) Submission of claimsUp to 90th day of commencementT+90
Regulation 13(1) Verification of claims received under
regulation 12(1)
Within 7 days from the receipt of the claim
Verification of claims received under
regulation 12(2)
Section 21(6A) (b) /
Regulation 16A
Application for appointment of ARWithin 2 days from verification of
claims received under regulation 12(1)
Regulation 17(1)Report certifying constitution of CoCT+23
Section 22(1) /
Regulation 19(1)
1st meeting of the CoCWithin 7 days of the constitution of the CoC, but with seven days’
Within 7 days of filing of the report certifying constitution of the CoC, but with five days’ notice.
Section 22(2)Resolution to appoint RP by the CoC In the first meeting of the CoCT+30
Section 16(5)Appointment of RP On approval by the AA ……
Regulation 17(3) IRP performs the functions of RP till the RP is appointedIf RP is not appointed by 40th day of commencementT+40
Regulation 27Appointment of valuerWithin 7 days of appointment of
RP, but not later than 40th day of
Section 12(A) /
Regulation 30A
Submission of application for withdrawal of
application admitted
Before issue of EoIW
CoC to dispose of the applicationWithin 7 days of its receipt or 7
days of constitution of CoC,
whichever is later
Filing application of withdrawal, if
approved by CoC with 90% majority voting, by RP to AA

Within 3 days of approval by CoC W+10
Regulation 35ARP to form an opinion on preferential and other transactionsWithin 75 days of the
RP to make a determination on preferential and other transactionsWithin 115 days of
RP to file applications to AA for
appropriate relief
Within 135 days of
Regulation 36 (1)Submission of IM to CoCWithin 2 weeks of appointment of
RP, but not later than 54th day of
Regulation 36A Regulation 36A Within 75 days of
Invitation of EoI
Submission of EoI At least 15 days from issue of EoI
(Assume 15 days)
Provisional List of RAs by RPWithin 10 days from the last day
of receipt of EoI
Submission of objections to provisional listFor 5 days from the date of provisional listT+105
Final List of RAs by RPWithin 10 days of the receipt of objectionsT+115
Regulation 36B Issue of RFRP, including Evaluation Matrix and IM
Within 5 days of the issue of the
provisional list
Receipt of Resolution PlansAt least 30 days from issue of
RFRP (Assume 30 days)
Regulation 39(4)Submission of CoC approved Resolution Plan to AAAs soon as approved by the CoCT+165
Section 31(1)Approval of resolution plan by AAT=180

AA: Adjudicating Authority; AR: Authorised Representative; CIRP: Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process; CoC: Committee of Creditors; EoI: Expression of Interest; IM: Information Memorandum; IRP: Interim Resolution Professional; RA: Resolution Applicant; RP: Resolution Professional; RFRP: Request for Resolution Plan

(1) The insolvency professional, interim resolution professional or resolution professional, as the case may be, shall file the Forms, along with the enclosures thereto, on an electronic platform of the Board, as per the timelines stipulated against each Form, in the table below:-


Form No.Period covered and scopeTo be filed byTimeline
IP 1Pre-Assignment: This includes consent to accept assignment as IRP / RP, the details of IP and the Applicant, the details of the person which will undergo the process, terms of consent, terms of engagement, etc.IPWithin three days of signing of Form-2 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudicating Authority) Rules, 2016 or Form-AA of the Regulations, as the case may be.
CIRP 1From Commencement of CIRP till Issue of Public Announcement: This includes details of IRP, CD, and the Applicant; admission of application by AA; public announcement; details of suggested Authorised Representatives; non-compliances with the
provisions of the Code and other laws applicable to the CD; etc.
IRPWithin seven days of making the Public Announcement under section 13.
CIRP 2From Public Announcement till confirmation / replacement of IRP: This includes details
Authorised Representative selected by IRPs for a class of creditors; taking over management of the CD; receipt and verification of claims; constitution of CoC, first meeting of CoC; confirmation / replacement of IRP; applications seeking cooperation of management (if any); expenses incurred on or by IRP; relationship of IRP with the CD, Financial Creditors and Professionals; support services taken from IPE: noncompliances
with the provisions of the Code and otherlaws applicable to the CD; etc.
IRPWithin seven days of confirmation/ replacement of IRP under section 22.
CIRP 3From Appointment of RP till issue of IM to Members of CoC: This includes details of RP; details of registered valuers; handing over of records of CD by IRP to RP; taking over management of the CD; applications seeking co-operation of management (if any); details in IM: non-compliances with the provisions of the Code and other laws applicable to the CD; etc.RPWithin seven days of issue of IM to members of CoC under regulation 36.
CIRP 4From Issue of IM till issue of RFRP: This includes expression of interest; RFRP and modification thereof; evaluation matrix and modification thereof;non -compliances with the provisions of the Code and other laws applicable to the CD; etc.RPWithin seven days of the issue of RFRP under regulation 36B.
CIRP 5From Issue of RFRP till completion of CIRP: This includes updated list of claimants; updated CoC; details of the resolution applicants; details of resolution plans received; details of approval or ejection of resolution plans by CoC; application filedwith AA for
approval of resolution plan; details of resolution plan approved by the AA; initiation of liquidation, if applicable; expenses incurred on or by RP; appointment of professionals and the terms of appointment; relationship of the RP with the CD, Financial Creditors, and Professionals; support services taken from IPE; non-compliances with the provisions of the Code and other laws applicable to the CD; etc.
RPWithin seven days of the approval or rejection of the resolution plan under section 31 or issue of liquidation order under section 33, as the case may be, by the AA.
CIRP 6Event Specific: This includes;
a. Filing of application in respect of preferential transaction, undervalued transaction, fraudulent transaction, and extortionate transaction;
b. Raising interim finance;
c. Commencement of insolvency resolution process of guarantors of the CD;
d. Extension of period of CIRP and exclusion of time;
e. Premature closure of CIRP (appeal, settlement, withdrawal, etc.);
f. Request for liquidation before completion of CIRP; and
g. Non-implementation of resolution plan, as approved by the AA.
IRP or RP, as the case may be.Within seven days of the occurrence of the relevant event.

Where any activity stated in column (2) of table below is not complete by the date specified therein, the interim resolution professional or resolution professional, as the case may be, shall file Form CIRP 7 within three days of the said date, and continue to file Form CIRP 7, every 30 days, until the said activity remains incomplete-:

Sl.Activity requiring filing of Form CIRP 7, if not completed by the specified dateTimeline for filing Form CIRP 7 for the first timeTimeline for subsequent filing of Form CIRP 7
1Public announcement is not made by T+3rd dayDate specified in column (2) + 3 daysX+30th day, X+60th day, X+90th day, and so on, till the activity is completed.
2Appointment of RP is not made by T+30th day
3Information memorandum is not issued within 92 days from the date of public announcement
4RFRP is not issued within 10 days from the date of issue of
information memorandum to the committee
5CIRP is not completed by T+180th day

T = Insolvency commencement date, and

X = Date of filing of Form CIRP 7 for the first time under column (3).

Provided that subsequent filing of Form CIRP 7 shall not be made until thirty days have lapsed from the filing of an earlier Form CIRP 7.

Clarification: Only one Form CIRP 7 shall be filed at any time whether one or more activity is not complete by the specified date.


(a) If public announcement is not made by T+3rd day, Form CIRP 7 shall be filed by T+6th day. Thereafter, if public announcement is made on T+16th day, no further Form CIRP 7 will be filed. However, if public announcement is not made till T+33rd day, Form CIRP 7 shall be filed on T+36th day.

(b) If public announcement is not made by T+3rd day, Form CIRP 7 shall be filed by T+6th day. Thereafter, if public announcement is made on T+16th day, no further Form CIRP 7 will be filed. However, if RP is not appointed by T+30th day, though Form CIRP 7 becomes due by T+33rd day, it shall be filed on 30th day from the filing of first Form CIRP 7, that is, on T+36th day.

(c) If public announcement is not made by T+3rd day, Form CIRP 7 shall be filed by T+6th day. Thereafter, if either public announcement is not made till T+33rd day or RP is not appointed by T+30th day, Form CIRP 7 shall be filed on T+36th day.

The resolution professional shall file Form CIRP 8 intimating details of his opinion and determination under regulation 35A, on or before the one hundred and fortieth day of the insolvency commencement date: Provided that the filing of Form CIRP 8 shall not become due unless a period of thirty days has elapsed from the date of commencement of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2021.

(2) The Board shall make available the Forms on the electronic platform and may modify them from time to time.

(3) The insolvency professional or interim resolution professional or resolution professional, as the case may be, shall ensure that the Forms and its enclosures filed under this regulation are .

If filed onFee (in Rupees)
29th October, 20200
30th October, 20200
31st October, 2020500
Any day in November, 20201000
Any day in December, 20201500

If filed on Fee (in Rupees)
28th April, 20200
29th April, 2020 0
30th April, 2020500
Any day in May, 20201000
Any day in June, 20201500

If filed on Fee (in Rupees)
29th April, 2020 0
30th April, 2020 0
1st May, 2020 500
Any day in May, 2020 1000
Any day in June, 2020 1500

(4) The filing of a Form under this regulation after due date of submission, whether by correction, updation or otherwise, shall be accompanied by a fee of five hundred rupees per Form for each calendar month of delay after 1st January, 2020.

Example: A Form is required to be filed by 30th January, 2020. It shall be filed along with a fee as under:

If filed onFee (in Rupees)
29th January, 20200
30th January, 20200
31st January, 2020500
Any day in February, 20201000
Any day in March, 20201500

(5) The insolvency professional or interim resolution professional or resolution professional, as the case may be, shall be liable to any action which the Board may take as deemed fit under the Code or any regulation made thereunder, including refusal to issue or renew Authorisation for Assignment, for-

(i) failure to file a form along with requisite information and records;

(ii) inaccurate or incomplete information or records filed in or along with a form;

(iii) delay in filing the form.

Notwithstanding the time-lines contained in these regulations, but subject to the provisions in the Code, the period of lockdown imposed by the Central Government in the wake of COVID-19 outbreak shall not be counted for the purposes of the time-line for any activity that could not be completed due to such lockdown, in relation to a corporate insolvency resolution process.

(1) The committee while considering the liquidation of the corporate debtor may consider factors including but not limited to non-operational status for preceding three years, goods produced or service offered or technology employed being obsolete, absence of any assets, lack of any intangible assets or factors which bring value as a going concern over and above the physical assets like brand value, intellectual property, accumulated losses, depreciation, investments that are yet to mature.

(2) Such consideration may be recorded and submitted in the application for liquidation submitted by the resolution professional to the Adjudicating Authority.

Inserted vide IBBI Notification dated 15.02.2024 regarding IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024. To view the notification, Click here.
Inserted vide the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 3.07.2018. To view the Notification, Click Here
Substituted vide the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2022 dated 16.09.2022. To view the Notification, Click Here.
Inserted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2019 dated 27.11.2019. To view the notification,Click Here
  1. Refer IBBI circular dated 18.03.2021 regarding reporting of status of ongoing corporate insolvency resolution processes (CIRPs) through Form CIRP 7. To view the Circular, Click Here
  2. Inserted vide the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021 dated 15.03.2021. To view the Notification, Click Here
Inserted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2021 dated 14.07.2021. To view the notification, Click Here
Refer IBBI Circular- Filing of Form CIRP 8 under the IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016 dated 20.07.2021. To view the circular, Click Here
IBBI provides the feature for modification of CIRP Forms (including IP-1 Form) submitted by an Insolvency Professional (IP) without any additional fee till 31st March 2020 vide its Circular dated 17.03.2020. To view the Circular, Click Here.
  1. Refer Clarification dated 04.12.2020 regarding computation of fee payable for delay in filings under regulation 40B of the IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016. To view the notification, Click Here.
  2. Substituted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 25.03.2020. To view the notification, Click Here
Substituted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 25.03.2020. To view the notification, Click Here
Substituted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 12.02.2020. To view the notification, Click Here
Substituted vide IBBI Amendment notification dated 14.02.2020 for the IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 12.02.2020. To view the notification,Click Here
Substituted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 12.02.2020. To view the notification, Click Here.
Inserted vide IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 29.03.2020. To view the notification, Click Here.
Inserted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2022 dated 16.09.2022. To view the Notification, Click Here.

Corrigendum to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020, dated 14.02.2020

IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 12.02.2020

IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021 dated 15.03.2021

IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 25.03.2020

IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2020 dated 29.03.2020

IBBI Notification dated 15.02.2024 regarding IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024

IBBI Notification dated 18.09.2023 regarding IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2023

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2022 dated 16.09.2022.

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2019

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2024 dated 24.09.2024

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 3.07.2018

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2019 dated 27.11.2019

Circular providing the feature for modification of CIRP Forms (including IP-1 Form) submitted by an Insolvency Professional (IP) dated 17.03.2020

Clarification dated 04.12.2020 regarding computation of fee payable for delay in filings under regulation 40B of the IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016

IBBI circular dated 18.03.2021 regarding reporting of status of ongoing corporate insolvency resolution processes (CIRPs) through Form CIRP 7

IBBI Circular- Filing of Form CIRP 8 under the IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016 dated 20.07.2021

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