valid as on 02/03/2025

2.17.23. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Bankruptcy Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Regulations, 2019

23. Conduct of meeting.

(1) The bankruptcy trustee shall preside over the meetings of the committee.

(2) At the commencement of a meeting, the bankruptcy trustee shall take a roll call, when every participant, including those attending by proxy or through video conferencing, shall state, for the record, the following –

(a) his name;

(b) the capacity in which he is attending;

(c) the creditor he is representing, if applicable; and

(d) that he has received the agenda and all the relevant material for the meeting.

(3) After the roll call, the bankruptcy trustee shall inform the participants of the names of all persons who are present for the meeting and confirm if the required quorum is complete.

(4) The bankruptcy trustee shall ensure that the required quorum is present throughout the meeting.

(5) From the commencement of the meeting till its conclusion, no person, other than the participants and any other person whose presence is required by the bankruptcy trustee, shall be allowed access to the meeting, without the permission of the bankruptcy trustee.

(6) The bankruptcy trustee shall ensure that minutes are made in relation to each meeting of the creditors and are circulated to all participants by electronic means within forty-eight hours of the said meeting.

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